Gaussian Process Demo (GPU)ΒΆ

This demo illustrates a simple example of fitting a GP emulator to results of the projectile problem discussed in the Tutorial, using the GPU implementation of the emulator.

Note that in order for this to work, it must be run on a machine with an Nvidia GPU, and with CUDA libraries available. It also depends on Eigen and pybind.

The example uses Maximum Likelihood Estimation with a Squared Exponential kernel, which is currently the only kernel supported by the GPU implementation.

import numpy as np
import mogp_emulator
from projectile import simulator, print_results

# GP example using the projectile demo on a GPU

# To run this demo you must be on a machine with an Nvidia GPU, and with
# CUDA libraries available.  There are also dependencies on eigen and pybind11
# If you are working on a managed cluster, these may be available via commands
# module load cuda/11.2
# module load py-pybind11-2.2.4-gcc-5.4.0-tdtz6iq
# module load gcc/7
# module load eigen
# You should then be able to compile the cuda code at the same time as installing the mogp_emulator package, by doing (from the main mogp_emulator/ directory:
# pip install .
# (note that if you don't have write access to the global directory
# (e.g. if you are on a cluster such as CSD3), you should add the
# `--user` flag to this command)

# define some common variables

n_samples = 20
n_preds = 10

# Experimental design -- requires a list of parameter bounds if you would like to use
# uniform distributions. If you want to use different distributions, you
# can use any of the standard distributions available in scipy to create
# the appropriate ppf function (the inverse of the cumulative distribution).
# Internally, the code creates the design on the unit hypercube and then uses
# the distribution to map from [0,1] to the real parameter space.

ed = mogp_emulator.LatinHypercubeDesign([(-5., 1.), (0., 1000.)])

# sample space

inputs = ed.sample(n_samples)

# run simulation

targets = np.array([simulator(p) for p in inputs])


# Basic example -- fit GP using MLE and Squared Exponential Kernel and predict

print("Example: Basic GP")

# create GP and then fit using MLE
# the only difference between this and the standard CPU implementation
# is to use the GaussianProcessGPU class rather than GaussianProcess.

gp = mogp_emulator.GaussianProcessGPU(inputs, targets)

gp = mogp_emulator.fit_GP_MAP(gp)

# create 20 target points to predict

predict_points = ed.sample(n_preds)

means, variances, derivs = gp.predict(predict_points)

print_results(predict_points, means)