.. _AltEstimateDelta: Alternatives: Estimators of correlation hyperparameters ======================================================= Overview -------- As discussed in the procedure for building a Gaussian process emulator for the core problem (:ref:`ProcBuildCoreGP`), one approach to dealing with uncertainty in the :ref:`hyperparameters` :math:`\delta` of the correlation function in a :ref:`Gaussian process` :ref:`emulator` is to ignore it, using a single estimate of :math:`\delta` instead of a sample from its posterior distribution. We discuss here a number of alternative ways of obtaining a suitable estimate. Choosing the Alternatives ------------------------- The chosen value should be a representative central value in the posterior distribution :math:`\pi^*(\cdot)`. Where the parameters have the interpretation of correlation lengths, as is the case in most of the correlation functions discussed in the alternatives page for the emulator prior correlation function (:ref:`AltCorrelationFunction`), the estimate should preferably err on the side of under-estimating these parameters rather than over-estimating them. This will lead to an emulator with a little more uncertainty in its predictions, which may compensate somewhat for not formally accounting for uncertainty in :math:`\delta`. The Nature of the Alternatives ------------------------------ The most widely used estimator, as mentioned in :ref:`ProcBuildCoreGP`, is the posterior mode. This is the value of :math:`\delta` at which :math:`\pi^*(\delta)` is maximised. Although any convenient algorithm or utility might be used for this purpose, care should be taken because it is not uncommon to find multiple local maxima in :math:`\pi^*(\cdot)`. If several modes are found, the choice between them might, for instance, be made using the cross-validation approach mentioned below, or by seeing which choice leads to an emulator with better :ref:`validation` diagnostics (see the procedure page for validating a Gaussian process emulator (:ref:`ProcValidateCoreGP`)). A related estimator is :math:`\exp(\bar\lambda)`, where :math:`\bar\lambda` is defined in the procedure for a multivariate lognormal approximation for correlation hyperparameters (:ref:`ProcApproxDeltaPosterior`) as the mode of :math:`\ln\delta`. It should be noted, though, that this will tend to produce larger values of correlation length parameters than the simple mode of :math:`\delta`. Another method that has been suggested, and is widely used in spatial statistics, although there is little experience about how it will perform in the emulator setting, is cross-validation. The idea here is to compare alternative candidate values of :math:`\delta` by how well they predict the training data outputs when the emulator is built from a subset of the training data. In its simplest form, the cross-validation measure for a given candidate value of :math:`\delta` is computed as follows. #. For :math:`j=1,2,\ldots,n` compute the posterior mean :math:`\hat f_j=m^*(x_j)` of the j-th training sample output using (a) the formula for the posterior mean given in :ref:`ProcBuildCoreGP`, (b) the candidate value of :math:`\delta` and (c) the :math:`n-1` training sample runs obtained by leaving out the j-th run. #. Then the cross-validation measure is :math:`{\scriptstyle\sum_{j=1}^n}(f(x_j)-\hat f_j)^2`. Small values of the cross-validation measure are best. In the full cross-validation method, all possible values of :math:`\delta` are candidates, with an algorithm being applied to search for the value minimising the cross-validation measure. Another approach that is very widely used in spatial statistics is variogram fitting, as described in the procedure for variogram estimation of covariance function hyperparameters (:ref:`ProcVariogram`). Although this is advocated in the :ref:`Bayes linear` approach (see the thread for the Bayes linear emulation for the core model (:ref:`ThreadCoreBL`)), in the fully :ref:`Bayesian` approach using a :ref:`Gaussian process` emulator it is not recommended because it involves inappropriate approximations/simplifications. Experience in spatial statistics may be unreliable for our purposes because that experience is typically limited to two or three dimensions, equivalent in MUCM terms to emulating simulators with only two or three inputs. Additional Comments, References, and Links ------------------------------------------ Further research is being conducted in :ref:`MUCM` into this question, and findings will be reported in this page in due course.