.. _AltGPorBLEmulator: Alternatives: Gaussian Process or Bayes Linear Emulators ======================================================== Overview -------- The :ref:`MUCM` technology of quantifying and managing uncertainty in complex simulation models rests on the idea of :ref:`emulation`. This toolkit deals with two basic ways to construct and use emulators - :ref:`Gaussian process` emulators and :ref:`Bayes linear` emulators. The two forms have much in common, but there are also fundamental differences. These differences have impact on the ways in which the two approaches are used and the kinds of applications to which they are applied. Choosing the Alternatives ------------------------- - To choose the route of Gaussian process emulation, the core thread is :ref:`ThreadCoreGP`. - To choose the route of Bayes linear emulation, the core thread is :ref:`ThreadCoreBL`. - The core threads deal with emulation of a basic kind of problem called the :ref:`core problem`. For more complex situations, the relevant variant thread deals with how to modify the core to tackle new features. The Nature of the Alternatives ------------------------------ An emulator is a statistical representation of a :ref:`simulator`. For any given values of the simulator's inputs, we can obtain the simulator output(s) by running the simulator itself, but we can instead use an emulator to predict what the output(s) would be. MUCM methods use the emulator to address questions about the simulator far more efficiently than methods which rely on running the simulator itself. Perhaps the most fundamental difference between GP and BL emulators is the nature of the predictions. - A GP emulator provides a full probability distribution for the output(s) as its prediction. In particular, the mean of the distribution is the natural estimate, and the variance (or its square root, the standard deviation) provides a measure of accuracy. Because it provides a full predictive distribution, a GP emulator can also provide credible intervals for the outputs. - A BL emulator provides an estimate and a dispersion measure that are analogous to the mean and variance of a GP emulator, although in principle they have somewhat different interpretations. BL emulator predictions, however, are not full probability distributions, and are confined to the estimate and dispersion measure. These differences result from a difference in underlying philosophy. GP emulators are based in conventional :ref:`Bayesian` statistical theory, in which data are represented by their sampling distributions and unknown parameters by prior or posterior distributions. Bayes linear theory is based on considering a set of uncertain quantities and defining a belief specification for them which comprises an estimate and a measure of dispersion for each, together with an association measure for each pair. From the perspective of conventional Bayesian statistics, it is natural to interpret these as the means, variances and covariances of the uncertain quantities, and in some ways this interpretation conforms with how these measures are elicited and used in Bayes linear methods. However, the Bayes linear view is philosophically different, and in its most abstract form interprets them geometrically - the estimates define a point in an abstract metric space with a metric defined by the dispersion and association measures. The Bayes linear analogue of the use of Bayes' theorem in Bayesian theory, to update beliefs in the light of additional information, is projection in the metric space. The two theories coincide if in the Bayes linear analysis the set of uncertain quantities include the indicator functions of every possible value for all the random variables that are given probability distributions in the fully Bayesian approach. However, this equivalence is achieved by the Bayes linear analyst effectively defining full probability distributions, and in practice Bayes linear analyses will only exceptionally include such a full probabilistic specification. Adherents of the Bayes linear view argue, correctly, that one can never make so many judgements about a problem if those judgements are to represent carefully considered beliefs. In a fully Bayesian analysis, distributions are not specified by thinking about every single probability that makes up that distribution. In reality, they are specified by a convenient (and more loosely considered) completion of a much smaller number of carefully considered judgements. Proponents of the Bayes linear approach decline in principle to make judgements that are not individually considered and elicited. The choice between the two approaches can then be reduced to choosing between two alternative ways of making statistical inferences in the context of a relatively small, finite number of actual, carefully considered judgements. #. In the full Bayesian approach, those judgements are expanded to produce full probability distributions, by a choice of distributional form that is partly based on informal judgement but also partly on convenience. Then updating via Bayes' theorem produces full posterior distributions for inference. #. In the Bayes linear approach, a complete Bayes linear belief specification is required for the chosen set of uncertain quantities, but no other judgements are added (and in particular distributions are not required). Updating is via projection and yields an adjusted belief specification. The two approaches differ in their interpretation of the meaning of the belief analysis, but each approach may be regarded, from the other viewpoint, as an approximation to what would be produced using their preferred approach. It is not the purpose of this page to go deeply into the philosophy. Although Bayes linear methods have only limited support in the Bayesian community generally, they are accepted in the field of computer model uncertainty, and have made important contributions to that field. The choice between a GP and a BL emulator is principally a matter of philosophical viewpoint but also partly pragmatic. The computations required for BL methods are based on manipulating variance matrices, and can remain tractable even in very complex applications, where sometimes the computations using the GP emulator become infeasible. On the other hand, it may be difficult to formulate the complete belief specification in a complex BL application, and not having full posterior distributions makes it more difficult to deliver some kinds of inferences in the BL approach.