.. _AltImplausibilityMeasure: Alternatives: Implausibility Measures ===================================== Description and Background -------------------------- As introduced in :ref:`ThreadGenericHistoryMatching`, an integral part of the :ref:`history matching` process is the use of :ref:`implausibility measures`. This page discusses implausibility measures in more detail and defines several different types, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. The notation used is the same as that defined in :ref:`ThreadGenericHistoryMatching`. Here we use the term model synonymously with the term :ref:`simulator`. Discussion ---------- Univariate Implausibility Measures ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our approach to history matching is based on the assessment of certain implausibility measures which we now describe. An implausibility measure is a function defined over the input space which, when large, suggests that the match between model and system would exceed a stated tolerance in terms of the relevant uncertainties that are present, such as the :ref:`model discrepancy` :math:`d` and the observational errors :math:`e`; see :ref:`ThreadVariantModelDiscrepancy` for more details. We may build up this concept of an acceptable match for a single output :math:`f_i(x)` as follows. For a given choice of input :math:`x`, which we now consider as a candidate for the :ref:`best input` :math:`x^+`, we would ideally like to assess whether the output :math:`f_i(x)` differs from the system value :math:`y_i` by more than the tolerance that we allow in terms of model discrepancy. Therefore, we would assess the standardised distance .. math:: \frac{(y_i - f_i(x))^2}{{\rm Var}[d_i]} In practice, we cannot observe the system :math:`y_i` directly and so we must compare :math:`f_i(x)` with the observation :math:`z_i`, introducing measurement error :math:`e_i` with corresponding standardised distance .. math:: \frac{(z_i - f_i(x))^2}{{\rm Var}[d_i] + {\rm Var}[e_i]} However, for most values of :math:`x`, we are not able to evaluate :math:`f(x)` as the model takes a significant time to run, so instead we use the emulator and compare :math:`z_i` with :math:`{\rm E}[f_i(x)]`. Therefore, the implausibility function or measure is defined as .. math:: I^2_{(i)}(x) = \frac{ ({\rm E}[f_i(x)] - z_i )^2} {{\rm Var}[{\rm E}[f_i(x)]-z_i ] } = \frac{ ({\rm E}[f_i(x)] - z_i )^2} {{\rm Var}[f_i(x)] +{\rm Var}[d_i] + {\rm Var}[e_i]} where the second equality results from the fact that, here, :math:`x` is implicitly being considered as a candidate for the best input :math:`x^+`, and hence the independence assumptions that feature in the :ref:`best input` approach (see :ref:`DiscBestInput`) can be used. Note that we could have a more complex structure describing the link between model and reality, in which case the denominator of the implausibility measure would be altered. When :math:`I_{(i)}(x)` is large, this suggests that, even given all the uncertainties present in the problem, namely, the emulator uncertainty :math:`{\rm Var}[f(x)]`, the model discrepancy :math:`{\rm Var}[d]` and the observational errors :math:`{\rm Var}[e]`, we would be unlikely to view as acceptable the match between model output and observed data were we to run the model at input :math:`x`. Therefore, we consider that choices of :math:`x` for which :math:`I_{(i)}(x)` is large can be discarded as potential members of the set :math:`\mathcal{X}` of all acceptable inputs. We discard regions of the input space by imposing suitable cutoffs on the implausibility measure as is discussed in :ref:`DiscImplausibilityCutoff`. Note that this definition of the univariate implausibility is natural and comes from the concept of standardised distances. As we will simply be imposing cutoffs on such measures, any results will be invariant to a monotonic transformation of the implausibility measure. Multivariate Implausibility Measures ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So far we have a separate implausibility measure :math:`I_{(i)}(x)` for each of the outputs labelled by :math:`i` that were considered for the history matching process. Note that not all outputs have to be used: we can select a subset of the outputs that are deemed to be representative in some sense; e.g., using principal variables (Cumming, 2007). We may now choose to make some intuitive combination of the individual implausibility measures as a basis of eliminating portions of the input space, or we may construct the natural multivariate analogue. A common such combination is the maximum implausibility measure :math:`I_M(x)` defined as .. math:: I_M(x) = \max_i I_{(i)}(x) Discarding every :math:`x` such that :math:`I_M(x) > c` is equivalent to applying the cutoff to every individual :math:`I_{(i)}(x)`. While this is a simple, intuitive and commonly used measure, it is sensitive to problems caused by inaccurate emulators: if one of the emulators is performing poorly at input :math:`x`, this could lead to :math:`x` being wrongly rejected. For this reason the second and the third maximum implausibility measures :math:`I_{2M}(x)` and :math:`I_{3M}(x)` are often used (Vernon 2010, Bower 2009), defined using set notation as: .. math:: I_{2M}(x) = \max_i \left(I_{(i)}(x) \setminus I_M(x)\right) \\ I_{3M}(x) = \max_i \left(I_{(i)}(x) \setminus I_M(x), I_{2M}(x)\right) that is we define :math:`I_{2M}(x)` and :math:`I_{3M}(x)` to be the second and third highest value out of the set of univariate measures :math:`I_{i}(x)` respectively. These measures are much less sensitive to the failings of individual emulators. We can construct the full multivariate implausibility measure :math:`I_{MV}(x)` provided we have suitable multivariate expressions for the model discrepancy :math:`d` and the observational errors :math:`e` (see :ref:`ThreadVariantModelDiscrepancy`). Normally a full multivariate emulator is also required, however a multi-output emulator of sufficient accuracy can also be used (see :ref:`ThreadVariantMultipleOutputs`). :math:`I_{MV}(x)` takes the form: .. math:: I_{MV}(x) = (z -{\rm E}[f(x)])^T ({\rm Var}[z-{\rm E}[f(x)]])^{-1} (z -{\rm E}[f(x)]) which becomes .. math:: I_{MV}(x) = (z -{\rm E}[f(x)])^T ({\rm Var}[f(x)] + {\rm Var}[d] + {\rm Var}[e])^{-1} (z -{\rm E}[f(x)]) Here, :math:`{\rm Var}[f(x)]`, :math:`{\rm Var}[d]` and :math:`{\rm Var}[e]` are all :math:`r\times r` covariance matrices and :math:`z` and :math:`{\rm E}[f(x)]` are :math:`r`-vectors, where :math:`r` is the number of outputs chosen for use in the history matching process. The multivariate form is more effective for screening the input space, but it does require careful consideration of the covariance structure for the various quantities involved, especially the model discrepancy :math:`d`. The history matching process requires that we choose appropriate cutoffs for each of the above measures: possible choices of such cutoffs are discussed in :ref:`DiscImplausibilityCutoff`. Additional Comments ------------------- The implausibility measures based on summaries of univariate measures, such as :math:`I_M(x)` and :math:`I_{2M}(x)`, tend to select inputs that correspond to runs where all or most of the outputs are within a fixed distance from each of the observed data points. While this is useful, if the outputs represent points on some physical function, this type of implausibility measure will not capture the *shape* of this function. The fully multivariate measure :math:`I_{MV}(x)` on the other hand, can be constructed to favour runs which mimic the correct shape of the physical function. The extent of this effect depends critically on the structure of the model discrepancy and observational error covariance matrices. References ---------- Cumming, J. A. and Wooff, D. A. (2007), “Dimension reduction via principal variables,” *Computational Statistics & Data Analsysis*, 52, 550–565. Vernon, I., Goldstein, M., and Bower, R. (2010), “Galaxy Formation: a Bayesian Uncertainty Analysis,” MUCM Technical Report 10/03. Bower, R., Vernon, I., Goldstein, M., et al. (2009), “The Parameter Space of Galaxy Formation,” to appear in MNRAS; MUCM Technical Report 10/02.