.. _AltMultivariateCovarianceStructures: Alternatives: Choice of covariance function in the multivariate Gaussian process emulator ========================================================================================= Overview -------- The covariance function in the multivariate Gaussian process emulator for a simulator with :math:`r` outputs is the :math:`r \times r` matrix function :math:`v(.,.)`. The :math:`i,j`th element of :math:`v(x,x^\prime)` represents the covariance between :math:`f_i(x)` and :math:`f_j(x^\prime)`. That means that :math:`v(.,.)` must encode two kinds of correlation: correlation between the outputs, and correlation over the input space. In order to build these two kinds of correlation into a valid covariance function (that is, one for which the covariance matrix :math:`v(D,D)` is positive semi-definite for any design :math:`D`), we must impose some structure on :math:`v(.,.)`. Here we describe some alternatives for this structure. Do covariances matter? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Suppose that we are able to emulate all the outputs of interest accurately using single-output emulators, so that the uncertainty in each case is very small. Then we will know that the true values of any two simulator outputs will be very close to the emulator mean values. Knowing also the covariance will allow us to assess just how probable it is that the true values for both outputs lie above their respective emulator means, but when the uncertainty is very small this extra information is of little importance. So it may be argued that if we have enough training data to emulate all outputs of interest very accurately, in the sense that the emulation uncertainty is small enough for us to be able to ignore it, then we can also ignore covariances between outputs. It is generally the case that the more accurately we can emulate the outputs the less importance attaches to our choice of emulation strategy, and so with large training samples all alternatives considered here will give essentially the same results. However, the reality with complex simulators is that we are rarely in the happy position of being able to make enough training runs to achieve this kind of accuracy, particularly if the emulator input and output spaces are high dimensional. When emulator uncertainty is appreciable, covariances between outputs need to be considered and the choice between alternative ways of emulating multiple outputs does matter. The Alternatives ---------------- Independent outputs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If we are willing to treat the outputs as being independent then the covariance function :math:`v(.,.)` is diagonal, with diagonal elements :math:`\sigma^2_1c_1(.,.),\ldots,\sigma^2_rc_r(.,.)`, where each output :math:`i` has its own input space correlation function :math:`c_i(.,.)`. The hyperparameters in this case are :math:`\omega=(\sigma^2,\delta)`, where :math:`\sigma^2=(\sigma^2_1,\ldots,\sigma^2_r)` and :math:`\delta=(\delta_1,\ldots,\delta_r)`, with :math:`\delta_i` being the correlation length hyperparameters for :math:`c_i(.,.)`. A typical prior for :math:`\omega=(\sigma^2,\delta)` is of the form .. math:: \pi(\sigma^2,\delta) \propto \pi_\delta(\delta) \prod_{i=1}^{r}\sigma^{-2}_i\,, which expresses weak knowledge about :math:`\sigma^2`. Alternatives for the correlation length prior, :math:`\pi_\delta(.)`, are discussed in :ref:`AltGPPriors`. Separable covariance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A :ref:`separable` covariance has the form .. math:: v(.,.) = \Sigma c(\cdot,\cdot)\, , where :math:`\Sigma` is a :math:`r \times r` covariance matrix between outputs and :math:`c(.,.)` is a correlation function between input points. The hyperparameters for the separable covariance are :math:`\omega=(\Sigma,\delta)`, where :math:`\delta` are the hyperparameters for :math:`c(.,.)`. A typical prior for :math:`\omega=(\Sigma,\delta)` is of the form .. math:: \pi(\Sigma,\delta) \propto \pi(\delta) |\Sigma|^\frac{k+1}{2}\,, which expresses weak knowledge about :math:`\Sigma`. This is also discussed in :ref:`AltMultivariateGPPriors` where the variance parameters are considered together with those for the mean function and :math:`\delta` is assumed known or fixed. The choice of :math:`\pi(\delta)`, the arbitrary prior on the correlations lengths, is discussed in :ref:`AltGPPriors`. Nonseparable covariance based on convolution methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One way of constructing a Gaussian process is by taking the convolution of a Gaussian white noise process with an arbitrary :ref:`smoothing kernel`. This method lends itself to defining a nonseparable multivariate covariance function, which is often called a 'convolution covariance function'. To construct a convolution covariance function :math:`v(.,.)`, we choose a smoothing kernel :math:`\kappa_i` corresponding to each output :math:`i`. We also have a positive semidefinite :math:`r \times r` matrix :math:`\tilde{\Sigma}` with elements :math:`\tilde{\sigma}_{ij}`. Then for each :math:`i,j \in \{1,...,r\}`, the :math:`i,j`th element of :math:`v(.,.)` is .. math:: v_{ij}(x,x^\prime) = \tilde{\sigma}_{ij} \int_{R^p} \kappa_i(u-x)\kappa_j(u-x^\prime)\,du \,. The smoothing kernels determine the input space correlation function for each output, and :math:`\tilde{\Sigma}` controls the between-output covariances. The hyperparameters in the convolution covariance function are :math:`\omega = (\tilde{\Sigma},\delta)`, where :math:`\delta=\{\delta_1,...,\delta_r\}` are the parameters in the smoothing kernels, which will typically correspond to something like correlation lengths. A convenient choice of smoothing kernel is .. math:: \kappa_i(x)=\left[ \left(\frac{4}{\pi}\right)^{p}\prod_{\ell=1}^p \phi_i^{(\ell)} \right] ^{\frac{1}{4}}\exp\{-2x^T\Phi_ix\} \, , where each :math:`\Phi_i` is a :math:`p \times p` diagonal matrix with diagonal elements :math:`(\phi_i^{(1)},...,\phi_i^{(p)}=((\delta_i^{(1)})^{-2},...,(\delta_i^{(p)})^{-2})`, for then the covariance function has elements .. math:: v_{ij}(x,x^\prime) = \tilde{\Sigma}_{ij} \rho_{ij} \exp\{-2(x-x^\prime)^T\Phi_i(\Phi_i+\Phi_j)^{-1}\Phi_j(x-x^\prime)\}\,, where .. math:: \rho_{ij}=2^\frac{p}{2}\prod_{\ell=1}^p \left[(\phi_i^{(\ell)}\phi_j^{(\ell)})^\frac{1}{4} (\phi_i^{(\ell)}+\phi_j^{(\ell)})^{-\frac{1}{2}}\right]\,. This means that the covariance function for an individual output :math:`i` is :math:`v_{ii}(x,x^\prime) =\sigma_i^2\exp\{-(x-x^\prime)^T\Phi_i(x-x^\prime)\}`. Thus each output :math:`i` has an input space correlation function of the Gaussian (squared exponential) form, as described in :ref:`AltCorrelationFunction`, with correlation lengths :math:`\delta_i=(\delta_i^{(1)},\ldots,\delta_i^{(p)}) = ((\phi_i^{(1)})^{-1/2},\ldots,(\phi_i^{(p)})^{-1/2})`. A possible choice of prior for the hyperparameters is .. math:: \pi(\tilde{\Sigma},\delta) \propto \pi(\delta)|\tilde{\Sigma}|^\frac{k+1}{2}\, where :math:`\pi(\delta)` is an arbitrary prior on the correlations lengths, as discussed in :ref:`AltGPPriors`. Note that the hyperparameter :math:`\tilde{\Sigma}` is not itself the between-outputs covariance matrix, so this prior is not directly equivalent to the weak prior for the separable covariance function given above. Nonseparable covariance based on the linear model of coregionalization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The linear model of coregionalization (LMC) was developed in the field of geostatistics as a tool to model multivariate spatial processes, and provides an alternative way of constructing a nonseparable multivariate covariance function, which we call the 'LMC covariance function'. To construct a LMC covariance function :math:`v(.,.)`, we choose a set of :math:`r` 'basis correlation functions' :math:`\kappa_1(.,.),\ldots,\kappa_r(.,.)`. These can be any correlation function, as discussed in :ref:`AltCorrelationFunction`. We also have the :math:`r \times r` between-outputs covariance matrix :math:`\Sigma`, for which we must choose a square-root decomposition :math:`\Sigma=RR^T`. We usually choose :math:`R` to be the symmetric eigendecomposition of :math:`\Sigma`, that is :math:`R=Q\mathrm{diag}(\sqrt{d_1},\ldots,\sqrt{d_r})Q^T` where :math:`d_1,\ldots,d_r` are the eigenvalues of :math:`\Sigma` and :math:`Q` is a matrix with the eigenvectors of :math:`\Sigma` as its columns (arranged from left to right in the order corresponding to :math:`d_1,\ldots,d_r`). An advantage of using the symmetric eigendecompostion of :math:`\Sigma` is that the resulting emulator is not dependent on the ordering of the outputs, but note that other square-root decompositions, such as the Cholesky decomposition, may be used. For any given choice of decomposition :math:`\Sigma=RR^T`, the LMC covariance function is .. math:: v(.,.) = \sum_{i=1}^{r} \Sigma_i \kappa_i(.,.)\,, where, for each :math:`i=1,...,r`, :math:`\Sigma_i = r_ir_i^T`, with :math:`r_i` the :math:`i`th column of the matrix :math:`R`. We can see that the covariance function for an individual output is a weighted sum of the basis correlation functions. The weights are determined by the elements of the 'coregionalization matrices' :math:`\{\Sigma_i:i=1,...,k\}`. With the LMC covariance function, the emulator covariance matrices defined in :ref:`ProcBuildMultiOutputGP` become sums of Kronecker products of the coregionalization matrices and basis correlation matrices: .. math:: V &= \sum_{i=1}^r \Sigma_i \otimes \kappa_i(D,D)\,, \\ u(x) &= \sum_{i=1}^r \Sigma_i \otimes \kappa_i(D,x)\,. The hyperparameters in the LMC covariance function are :math:`\omega=(\Sigma,\tilde{\delta})`, where :math:`\tilde{\delta}` denotes the collection of hyperparameters in the basis correlation functions. A possible choice of prior which expresses weak knowledge about :math:`\Sigma` is .. math:: \pi(\Sigma,\tilde{\delta}) \propto \pi(\tilde{\delta})|\Sigma|^\frac{k+1}{2}\, where :math:`\pi(\tilde{\delta})` is an arbitrary prior on the correlations length of the basis correlation functions, as discussed in :ref:`AltGPPriors`. Note that the hyperparameters :math:`\tilde{\delta}` do not correspond directly to the correlation lengths of individual outputs, so this prior is not directly equivalent to the weak prior for the separable covariance function given above. Comparison of the alternatives ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The independent outputs approach is perhaps the simplest case, for then the procedure :ref:`ProcBuildMultiOutputGP` becomes equivalent to building :math:`r` separate, independent emulators, one for each output, using the methods set out in the core thread :ref:`ThreadCoreGP`. This allows different mean and correlation functions to be fitted for each output, and in particular different outputs can have different correlation length parameters in their hyperparameter vectors. Using the independent emulators for tasks such as prediction, uncertainty and sensitivity analyses is set out in :ref:`ThreadGenericMultipleEmulators`, and is also relatively simple. However, if the number of outputs :math:`r` is large, building :math:`r` emulators may be time consuming. Also, the independent outputs approach fails to capture any correlation between outputs, which may be a particular problem if we are interested in a function that combines outputs, as discussed in :ref:`ProcPredictMultiOutputFunction`. In that case the easiest non-independent approach is to use a separable covariance function, which leads to several simplifications to the general multivariate emulator, resulting in a simple emulation methodology. This is described in :ref:`ProcBuildMultiOutputGPSep`. A drawback of the separable covariance is that it imposes a restriction that all the outputs have the same correlation function :math:`c(.,.)` across the input space. This means that all outputs have the same correlation length, so the resulting emulator may not perform well if the outputs represent several different types of physical quantity, since it assumes that all outputs have the same smoothness properties. It is worth noting that outputs which are very highly correlated will necessarily have very similar correlation functions. So in the situation where the independent outputs approach is most inappropriate because we expect the outputs to be strongly correlated, the separable covariance function is more likely to be reasonable. The situation in which the separable covariance function is most likely to be inappropriate is when multiple outputs represent a variety of types of physical quantities. In that case we may expect there to be some correlation between the outputs due to shared dependence on some underlying processes, but the outputs are likely to have different smoothness properties, so require different correlation functions across the input space. The most flexible approach for such situations is to use a non-independent, nonseparable covariance function. The downside of nonseparable covariance functions are their complexity: they require a large number of hyperparameters to be estimated before they can be used. Described above are two types of nonseparable covariance function. In practical terms, the main difference between them is the way in which they are parameterised. The convolution covariance function is controlled by hyperparameters :math:`\omega=(\tilde{\Sigma},\delta)`, where the :math:`\delta` directly control the input space correlation functions but :math:`\tilde{\Sigma}` gives only limited control over the between-outputs covariance matrix. Conversely, in the LMC covariance function we have parameters :math:`\omega=(\tilde{\delta},\Sigma)`, where :math:`\Sigma` is the between-outputs covariance matrix, but :math:`\tilde{\delta}` gives only limited control over the input space correlation functions. Therefore, if we have more meaningful prior information about the correlation lengths than the between-outputs covariances, we may favour the convolution covariance function, whereas if we have more meaningful prior information about the between-outputs covariances than the correlation lengths, we may favour the LMC covariance function. In cases where we have weak information about both correlation lengths and the between-outputs covariances, it may be wise to try both and see which performs the best. We conclude that, when building a multivariate emulator, it would be desirable to try a variety of the above covariance functions, perform diagnostics on the resulting emulators (as described in :ref:`ProcValidateCoreGP`), and select that which is most fit for purpose. If the outputs have different correlation lengths, and there is interest in joint predictions of multiple outputs, then the nonseparable covariance functions may be best. However, nonseparable covariance functions may not be practicable in large dimension simulators, so then we must choose between the independent outputs approach and the separable covariance function. The former is likely to be best if interest is confined to marginal output predictions, while the latter may be necessary if joint predictions are required. An alternative approach to treating high dimensional output spaces is to attempt dimension reduction, for example using PCA, and then construct a separable or nonseparable Gaussian process in the reduced dimension space as discussed in :ref:`ProcOutputsPrincipalComponents`.