.. _DefBasisFunctions: Definition of Term: Basis functions =================================== The mean function of an emulator, :math:`m(x)`, expresses the global behaviour of the computer model and can be written in a variety of forms as described in the alternatives page on emulator prior mean function (:ref:`AltMeanFunction`). When the mean function takes a linear form it can be expressed as :math:`m(x)=\beta^Th(x)` where :math:`h(x)` is a :math:`q`-vector of known *basis functions* of :math:`x` which describe global features of the simulator's behaviour and :math:`\beta` is a vector of unknown coefficients. The task of specifying appropriate forms for :math:`h(x)` is addressed in the alternatives page on basis functions for the emulator mean (:ref:`AltBasisFunctions`).