.. _DefImplausibilityMeasure: Definition of Term: Implausibility Measure ========================================== An implausibility measure is a function :math:`I(x)` defined over the whole input space which, if large for a particular :math:`x`, suggests that there would be a substantial disparity between the simulator output :math:`f(x)` and the observed data :math:`z`, were we to evaluate the model at :math:`\strut{x}`. In the simplest case where :math:`f(x)` represents a single output and :math:`z` a single observation, the univariate implausibility would look like: .. math:: I^2(x) = \frac{ ({\rm E}[f(x)] - z )^2}{ {\rm Var}[{\rm E}[f(x)]-z] } = \frac{ ({\rm E}[f(x)] - z )^2}{{\rm Var}[f(x)] + {\rm Var}[d] + {\rm Var}[e]} where :math:`{\rm E}[f(x)]` and :math:`{\rm Var}[f(x)]` are the emulator expectation and variance respectively; :math:`d` is the :ref:`model discrepancy`, and :math:`e` is the observational error. The second equality follows from the definition of the :ref:`best input approach`. Several different implausibility measures can be defined in the case where the simulator produces multiple outputs.