.. _DefMultivariateTProcess: Definition of Term: Multivariate t-process ========================================== The :ref:`univariate t-process` is a probability distribution for a function, in which the joint distribution of any set of points on that function is multivariate t. In MUCM it arises in the fully :ref:`Bayesian` approach as the underlying distribution (after integrating out a variance :ref:`hyperparameter`) of an :ref:`emulator` for the output of a :ref:`simulator`, regarding the simulator output as a function :math:`f(x)` of its input(s) :math:`x`; see the procedure for building a Gaussian process emulator for the core problem (:ref:`ProcBuildCoreGP`). The t-process generalises the :ref:`Gaussian process` (GP) in the same way that a t distribution generalises the normal (or Gaussian) distribution. Most simulators in practice produce multiple outputs (e.g. {temperature, pressure, wind speed, ...}) for any given input configuration. If the simulator has :math:`r` outputs then :math:`f(x)` is :math:`r\times 1`. In this context, an emulator may be based on the :ref:`multivariate GP` or a multivariate t-process. Formally, the multivariate t-process is a probability model over functions with multivariate values. It is characterised by a degrees of freedom :math:`b`, a mean function :math:`m(\cdot) = \textrm{E}[f(\cdot)]` and a covariance function :math:`v(\cdot,\cdot) = \textrm{Cov}[f(\cdot),f(\cdot)]`. Under this model, the function evaluated at a single input :math:`x` has a multivariate t distribution with :math:`b` degrees of freedom, where: - :math:`m(x)` is the :math:`r \times 1` mean vector of :math:`f(x)` and - :math:`v(x,x)` is the :math:`r\times r` scale matrix of :math:`f(x)`. Furthermore, if we stack the vectors :math:`f(x_1), f(x_2),\cdots,f(x_n)` at an arbitrary set of :math:`n` outputs :math:`D = (x_1,\cdots,x_n)` into a vector of :math:`rn` elements, then this also has a multivariate t distribution. The multivariate t-process usually arises when we use a multivariate GP model with a :ref:`separable` covariance. We therefore shall assume unless specified otherwise that a multivariate t-process also has a :ref:`separable` covariance, that is .. math:: v(\cdot,\cdot) = \Sigma c(\cdot, \cdot) where :math:`\Sigma` is a covariance matrix between outputs and :math:`c(\cdot, \cdot)` is a correlation function between input points. With a covariance function of this form the multivariate t-process has an important property. If instead of stacking the output vectors into a long vector we form instead the :math:`r\times n` matrix :math:`f(D)` (following the conventions in the :ref:`notation` page) then :math:`f(D)` has a matrix-variate t distribution with :math:`b` degrees of freedom, mean matrix :math:`m(D)`, between-rows covariance matrix :math:`\Sigma` and between-columns covariance matrix :math:`c(D,D)`. References ---------- Information on matrix variate distributions can be found in: - `Matrix variate distributions `__, Arjun K. Gupta, D. K. Nagar, CRC Press, 1999