.. _DefTProcess: Definition of Term: T-process ============================= A t-process is a probability model for an unknown function. If a function f has argument :math:`x`, then the value of the function at that argument is :math:`f(x)`. A probability model for such a function must provide a probability distribution for :math:`f(x)`, for any possible argument value :math:`x`. Furthermore, if we consider a set of possible values for the argument, which we can denote by :math:`x_1, x_2, ..., x_n`, then the probability model must provide a joint probability distribution for the corresponding function values :math:`f(x_1), f(x_2), ..., f(x_n)`. In :ref:`MUCM` methods, an :ref:`emulator` is (at least in the fully Bayesian approach) a probability model for the corresponding :ref:`simulator`. The simulator is regarded as a function, with the simulator inputs comprising the function's argument and the simulator output(s) comprising the function value. A t-process is a particular probability model in which the distribution for a single function value is a t distribution (also often called a Student-t distribution), and the joint distribution of a set of function values is multivariate t. The t-process is related to the :ref:`Gaussian process` (GP) in the same way that a univariate or multivariate t distribution is related to a univariate or multivariate normal (or Gaussian) distribution. That is, we can think of a t-process as a GP with an uncertain (or random) scaling parameter in its covariance function. Normal and t distributions play a central role in statistical practice by virtue of their mathematical simplicity, and for similar reasons the GP and t-process play a central role in (fully :ref:`Bayesian`) MUCM methods. A t-process is identified by its mean function, its covariance function and a degrees of freedom. If the degrees of freedom is sufficiently large, which will in practice always be the case in MUCM applications, the mean function is :math:`\text{E}[f(x)]`, regarded as a function of :math:`x`, and the covariance function is :math:`\text{Cov}[f(x_1), f(x_2)]`, regarded as a function of both :math:`x_1` and :math:`x_2`. Note in particular that the variance of :math:`f(x)` is the value of the covariance function when both :math:`x_1` and :math:`x_2` are equal to :math:`x`.