.. _DiscCoreValidationDesign: Discussion: Design of a validation sample ========================================= Description and Background -------------------------- Having built an :ref:`emulator`, it is important to :ref:`validate` it by checking that the statistical predictions it makes about the :ref:`simulator` outputs agree with the actual simulator outputs. This validation process is described for the :ref:`core problem` in the procedure for validating a Gaussian process emulator (:ref:`ProcValidateCoreGP`), and involves comparing emulator predictions with data from a validation sample. We discuss here the principles of :ref:`designing` a validation study. Discussion ---------- A valid emulator should predict the simulator output with an appropriate degree of uncertainty. Validation testing checks whether, for instance, when the emulator's predictions are more precise (i.e. have a smaller predictive variance) the actual simulator output is closer to the predictive mean than when the emulator predictions are more uncertain. The predictions will be most precise when the emulator is asked to predict for an input point :math:`x^\prime` that is close to the training sample points that were used to build the emulator; they will be largest when predicting at a point :math:`x^\prime` that is far from all training sample points (relative to the estimated correlation lengths). Hence a good validation design will mix design points close to training sample points with points far apart. In particular, design points close to training sample points (or to each other) are highly sensitive to the emulator's estimated correlation function hyperparameters (such as correlation length parameters), which is an important aspect of validation. A validation design comprises a set of :math:`n^\prime` design points :math:`D^\prime=\{x^\prime_1,x^\prime_2,\ldots,x^\prime_{n^\prime}\}`. There is little practical understanding yet about how big :math:`n^\prime` should be, or how best to achieve the required mix of design points, but some considerations are as follows. When the simulator is slow to run, it is important to keep the size of the validation sample as small as possible. Nevertheless, we typically need enough validation points to validate against possibly poor estimation of the different hyperparameters, and we should expect to have at least as many points as there are hyperparameters. Whereas it is often suggested that the training sample size, :math:`n`, should be about 10 times the number of inputs, :math:`p`, we tentatively suggest that for validation we need :math:`n^\prime\ge 3p`. To achieve a mix of points with high and low predictive variances, one approach is to generate a design in which the predictive variances of the :ref:`pivoted Cholesky` decomposition is maximised. This could be done by using this criterion in an :ref:`optimised Latin hypercube` design procedure. Another idea is to randomly select a number of the original training design points, and place a validation design point close to each. For instance, if we selected a training sample point :math:`x` then we could place the validation point :math:`x^\prime` randomly within the region where the correlation function :math:`c(x,x^\prime)` (with estimated values for :math:`\delta`) exceeds 0.8, say. The number of these points should be at least :math:`p`. Then the remaining points could be chosen as a random :ref:`Latin hypercube`. Additional Comments ------------------- This is a topic of ongoing research in :ref:`MUCM`, and we expect to add to this page in due course.