.. _DiscVarianceBasedSATheory: Discussion: Theory of variance-based sensitivity analysis ========================================================= Description and background -------------------------- The methods of variance-based :ref:`sensitivity analysis` are set out in the discussion page :ref:`DiscVarianceBasedSA`. Some technical results and details are considered here. Notation and terminology may all be found in :ref:`DiscVarianceBasedSA`, although we often repeat definitions here for clarity. Discussion ---------- Equivalent interpretations of :math:`V_J` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In :ref:`DiscVarianceBasedSA`, the sensitivity variance :math:`V_J` for inputs :math:`x_J` is defined as :math:`\mathrm{Var}[M_J(X_J)]`, where :math:`M_J(x_J)` is the mean effect of :math:`x_J`, defined as :math:`\mathrm{E}[f(X)\,|\,x_j]`. Now the following is a general result in Statistics: let :math:`Y` and :math:`Z` be two random variables, then .. math:: \mathrm{Var}[Y] = \mathrm{E}[\mathrm{Var}[Y\,|\,Z]] + \mathrm{Var}[\mathrm{E}[Y\,|\,Z]]. In words, the variance of :math:`Y` can be expressed as a sum of two parts, the first is the expectation of the conditional variance of :math:`Y` given :math:`Z`, and the second is the variance of the conditional expectation of :math:`Y` given :math:`Z`. We use this formula by equating :math:`Y` to :math:`f(X)` and :math:`Z` to :math:`X_J`. From the above definitions, the second term on the right hand side of the formula is seen to be :math:`V_J`. The other terms easily reduce to other measures that are defined in :ref:`DiscVarianceBasedSA`. The left hand side is :math:`\mathrm{Var}[f(X)]` , which is the overall output variance :math:`V`. The first term on the right hand side is the expectation of :math:`\mathrm{Var}[f(X)\,|\,X_J]`, which is :math:`w(X_J)`. We therefore have the result .. math:: V = W_J + V_J. This provides the second interpretation of :math:`V_J` in :ref:`DiscVarianceBasedSA`. It is the amount by which uncertainty is expected to be reduced if we were to learn :math:`x_J`, i.e. :math:`V-W_J`. The variance partition theorem for independent inputs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A very useful result in variance-based SA theory is equation (4) in :ref:`DiscVarianceBasedSA`, and concerns interaction variances when the inputs :math:`x_j` (for :math:`j=1,2,\ldots,p`) in :math:`x` are all mutually independent. In :ref:`DiscVarianceBasedSA`, equation (3) can be rewritten as .. math:: M_J(x_J) = \sum_{J'\subseteq J}I_{J'}(x_{J'})\,.\qquad (A) In this formula, the sum is over all subsets :math:`J'` of :math:`J`, including the empty set and :math:`J` itself. The term :math:`I_{J'}(x_{J'})` is in general called the interaction effect of :math:`x_{J'}`, except that when :math:`J'` contains just a single element :math:`J'=\{j\}` then it is referred to as the main effect of :math:`x_j`, and when :math:`J'` is the empty set we define it to be the uncertainty mean :math:`M=\mathrm{E}[f(X)]`. **Example**: Suppose that :math:`J=\{1,2,3\}`, then there are eight possible subsets :math:`J'` and equation (A) becomes .. math:: \begin{array}{rl}M_{\{1,2,3\}}(x_{\{1,2,3\}}) = & I_{\{1,2,3\}}(x_{\{1,2,3\}})\\ & \quad+ I_{\{1,2\}}(x_{\{1,2\}}) + I_{\{1,3\}}(x_{\{1,3\}}) + I_{\{2,3\}}(x_{\{2,3\}}) \\ & \quad + I_{\{1\}}(x_{\{1\}}) + I_{\{2\}}(x_{\{2\}}) + I_{\{3\}}(x_{\{3\}}) + M. \end{array} The first term in this example is the three-input interaction; on the next line are the three two-input interactions; on the third line are the three main effects and finally the overall mean. Now consider :math:`V_J`, which is the variance of :math:`M_J(X_J)`. Taking the variance of the right hand side of (A), a standard result in Statistics is that the variance of a sum of random variables is the sum of the variances of those random variables plus the sum of the covariances between all pairs. Now it can be shown that when the inputs are independent all those covariances are zero. Since the variances of the interaction terms in (A) are the interaction variances :math:`V^I_J` this yields equation (4) in :ref:`DiscVarianceBasedSA`. In order to prove that result, it remains to show that all covariances are zero when inputs are independent. First note that because inputs are independent the covariance between :math:`I_J(X_J)` and :math:`I_{J'}(X_{J'})` will be zero if :math:`J` and :math:`J'` have no elements in common. To illustrate the proof when there are elements in common, consider the correlation between the main effect .. math:: I_{\{j\}}(X_{\{j\}}) = M_{\{j\}}(X_{\{j\}}) - M and the two-input interaction .. math:: I_{\{j,j'\}}(X_{\{j,j'\}}) = M_{\{j,j'\}}(X_{\{j,j'\}}) - M_{\{j\}}(X_{\{j\}}) - M_{\{j'\}}(X_{\{j'\}}) + M. First notice that :math:`\mathrm{E}[I_{\{j\}}(X_{\{j\}})] = M-M=0` and :math:`\mathrm{E}[I_{\{j,j'\}}(X_{\{j,j'\}})]=M-M-M+M=0`. In fact, the expectation of every interaction term :math:`I_J(X_J)` is zero when :math:`J` is not the empty set. However, this expectation is taken with respect to all of :math:`X_J`; it is also true that if we take the expectation with respect to just one :math:`X_j`, for any :math:`j` in :math:`J` the result is also zero *provided* that the inputs are independent. For instance, in the case of :math:`I_{\{j,j'\}}(X_{\{j,j'\}})` consider the expectation with respect to :math:`X_j` only. If :math:`X_j` and :math:`X_{j'}` are independent, we obtain :math:`M_{\{j'\}}(X_{\{j'\}}) - M - M_{\{j'\}}(X_{\{j'\}}) + M=0`. Now we can use these facts to find the covariance. First, because the expectations are zero the covariance equals the expectation of the product :math:`I_{\{j\}}(X_{\{j\}})\times I_{\{j,j'\}}(X_{\{j,j'\}})`. This is the expectation with respect to both :math:`X_j` and :math:`X_{j'}`. Because of independence, we can take the expectation in two stages, first with respect to :math:`X_{j'}` then with respect to :math:`X_j`. However, the first step produces zero because the expectation of :math:`I_{\{j,j'\}}(X_{\{j,j'\}})` with respect to either of the inputs is zero. Hence the covariance is zero. The same argument works for any covariance. The covariance will be the expectation of the product, and that will be zero when we first take expectation with respect to any input that is in one but not both of :math:`X_J` and :math:`X_{J'}`. Non-independent inputs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the inputs are not independent, the above theorem does not hold. As a result, some convenient simplifications also fail. For simplicity, suppose we have just two inputs, :math:`X_1` and :math:`X_2`. With independence, we have .. math:: V = V_{\{1,2\}} = V_{\{1\}} + V_{\{2\}} + I_{\{1,2\}} If independence does not hold, then :math:`V_{\{1\}}`, :math:`V_{\{2\}}` and :math:`I_{\{1,2\}}` are still defined as before and are positive quantities, but their sum will not generally be :math:`V`. Furthermore, in the case of independence, the total sensitivity index :math:`T_{\{1\}}` of :math:`X_1` will be larger than its sensitivity index :math:`S_{\{1\}}`, but this is also not necessarily true when inputs are not independent. Consider the case where the simulator has the form :math:`f(x_1,x_2) = x_1 + 2x_2`, and suppose that :math:`X_1` and :math:`X_2` both have zero means and unit variances but have correlation :math:`\rho`. Now we find after some simple algebra that :math:`V = 2(1+\rho)`, :math:`V_{\{1\}} = V_{\{2\}} = (1+\rho)^2` and :math:`I_{\{1,2\}} = 2\rho^2(1+\rho)`. The last of these is perhaps surprising. When the simulator is strictly a sum of two terms, one a function of :math:`x_1` and the other a function of :math:`x_2`, we would think of this as a case where there is no interaction, and indeed if the inputs were independent then :math:`I_{\{1,2\}}` would be zero, but this is not true when they are correlated. For this example we have sensitivity indices .. math:: S_{\{1\}} = S_{\{2\}} = (1+\rho)/2\,, \qquad T_{\{1\}} = T_{\{2\}} = (1-\rho)/2, and clearly :math:`T_{\{1\}} < S_{\{1\}}` in this instance if the correlation is positive. 'Total sensitivity' can be a misleading term. When the inputs are not independent it is not generally helpful to look at interactions, and the sensitivity and total sensitivity indices must be interpreted carefully. Sequential decomposition ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following way of decomposing the total uncertainty variance :math:`V` applies whether the inputs are independent or not, and is sometimes convenient computationally. For exposition, suppose that we have just four uncertain inputs, :math:`X = (X_1, X_2, X_3, X_4)`. Also, to clarify the formulae, we add subscripts to the expectation and variance operators to denote which distribution they are applied to. .. math:: \begin{array}{rl} V = {\rm Var}_X[y(X)] =& {\rm Var}_{X_1}[{\rm E}_{X_2,X_3,X_4|X_1}[y(X)]] + {\rm E}_{X_1}[{\rm Var}_{X_2,X_3,X_4|X_1}[y(X)]]\\\ =& {\rm Var}_{X_1}[{\rm E}_{X_2,X_3,X_4|X_1}[y(X)]] + {\rm E}_{X_1}[{\rm Var}_{X_2|X_1}[{\rm E}_{X_3,X_4|X_1,X_2}[y(X)]]] \\ & \qquad + {\rm E}_{X_1,X_2}[{\rm Var}_{X_3,X_4|X_1,X_2}[y(X)]] \\ =& {\rm Var}_{X_1}[{\rm E}_{X_2,X_3,X_4|X_1}[y(X)]] + {\rm E}_{X_1}[{\rm Var}_{X_2|X_1}[{\rm E}_{X_3,X_4|X_1,X_2}[y(X)]]] \\ & \qquad + {\rm E}_{X_1,X_2}[{\rm Var}_{X_3|X_1,X_2}[{\rm E}_{X_4|X_1,X_2,X_3}[y(X)]]] + {\rm E}_{X_1,X_2,X_3}[{\rm Var}_{X_4|X_1,X_2,X_3}[y(X)]] \end{array} The formula can obviously be continued for more inputs, and we can replace individual inputs with groups of inputs. If inputs are independent, then the conditioning in the subscripts can be removed. In this case, note that the first term in the decomposition is :math:`V_{\{1\}}`, the second term, however, is :math:`V_{\{2\}}+I_{\{1,2\}}`. Each successive term includes interactions with the inputs coming earlier in the sequence. Finally, the last term is :math:`T_{\{4\}}`. If inputs are not independent, then this is a useful decomposition that does not rely on separately identifying interactions (which we have seen are not helpful in this case). However, it is also clear that the decomposition depends on the order of the inputs, and we can obviously define sequential decompositions in other sequences. This is analgous to the analysis of variance in conventional statistics theory when factors are not orthogonal. Regression variances ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the page discussing various forms of SA (:ref:`DiscWhyProbabilisticSA`), one of those forms is regression SA. In this approach, a linear regression function is fitted to the simulator output :math:`f(x)` and sensitivity measures are calculated from the resulting fitted regression coefficients. Consider such a regression fit in which the regressor variables are denoted by a vector :math:`g(x)` of functions of the inputs. The fitted approximation to the simulator is :math:`\hat f(x) = \hat\gamma^{\rm T} g(x)`, where :math:`\hat\gamma` is the corresponding vector of fitted coefficients. This plays the same role as the mean effect :math:`M(x)`, and from the perspective of variance-based SA, we can define a corresponding sensitivity variance .. math:: V_g = {\rm Var}(\hat\gamma^{\rm T} g(X)). This will always be less than the overall variance :math:`V` but will get closer to it the more accurately the fitted regression is able to approximate the true mean effect. Similarly, if :math:`g(x)` is a function only of :math:`X_J`, then :math:`V_g < V_J` and the difference between the two is smaller the more closely the regression function can approximate :math:`M_J(x)`. This provides one nice use for regression variances. Let :math:`g(x)^{\rm T} = (1,x_j)`, so that the regression fit is a simple straight line in :math:`x_j`. We call the resulting regression variance the linear sensitivity variance of :math:`x_j`, and the difference between this and :math:`V_{\{j\}}` is an indicator of how nonlinear the mean effect of :math:`x_j` is. Additional comments ------------------- Formal definitions of regression variances and theory for computing them from emulators is given in Oakley, J. E. and O'Hagan, A. (2004). Probabilistic sensitivity analysis of complex models: a Bayesian approach. *Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B* 66, 751-769.