.. _MetaHomePage: The MUCM Toolkit, release 6 =========================== Welcome to the :ref:`MUCM` Toolkit. The toolkit is a resource for people interested in quantifying and managing uncertainty in the outputs of mathematical models of complex real-world processes. We refer to such a model as a simulation model or a :ref:`simulator`. The toolkit is a large, interconnected set of webpages and one way to use it is just to browse more or less randomly through it. However, we have also provided some organised starting points and threads through the toolkit. - We have an introductory tutorial on MUCM methods and uncertainty in simulator outputs :ref:`here`. - You can read about the :ref:`toolkit structure`. - The various threads, each of which sets out in a series of steps how to use the MUCM approach to build an :ref:`emulator` of a simulator and to use it to address some standard problems faced by modellers and users of simulation models. This release contains the following threads: - :ref:`ThreadCoreGP`, which deals with the simplest emulation scenario, called the :ref:`core problem`, using the :ref:`Gaussian process` approach; - :ref:`ThreadCoreBL`, which also deals with the core problem, but follows the :ref:`Bayes linear` approach. A simple guide to the differences between the two approaches can be found in the alternatives page on Gaussian process or Bayes Linear Emulator (:ref:`AltGPorBLEmulator`); - :ref:`ThreadVariantMultipleOutputs`, which extends the core problem to address the case where we wish to emulate two or more simulator outputs; - :ref:`ThreadVariantDynamic`, which extends the core analysis in a different direction, where we wish to emulate the time series output of a dynamic simulator; - :ref:`ThreadVariantTwoLevelEmulation`, which considers the situation where we have two simulators of the same real-world phenomenon, a slow but relatively accurate simulator whose output we wish to emulate, and a quick and relatively crude simulator. This thread discusses how to use many runs of the fast simulator to build an informative prior model for the slow simulator, so that fewer training runs of the slow simulator are needed; - :ref:`ThreadVariantWithDerivatives`, which extends the core analysis for the case where we can obtain derivatives of the simulator output with respect to the various inputs, to use as training data; - :ref:`ThreadVariantModelDiscrepancy`, which deals with modelling the relationship between the simulator outputs and the real-world process being simulated. Recognising this :ref:`model discrepancy` is a crucial step in making useful predictions from simulators, in calibrating simulation models and handling multiple models. - :ref:`ThreadGenericMultipleEmulators`, which deals with combining two or more emulators to produce emulation of some combination of the respective simulator outputs; - :ref:`ThreadGenericEmulateDerivatives`, which shows how to use an emulator to predict the values of derivatives of the simulator output; - :ref:`ThreadGenericHistoryMatching`, which deals with iteratively narrowing down the region of possible input values for which the simulator would produce outputs acceptably close to observed data. This topic is related to calibration, which will be addressed in a future release of the toolkit. - :ref:`ThreadTopicSensitivityAnalysis`, which is a topic thread providing more detailed background on the topic of sensitivity analysis, and linking together the various procedures for such techniques in the other toolkit threads. - :ref:`ThreadTopicScreening`, which provides a broad view of the idea of :ref:`screening` the simulator inputs to reduce their dimensionality. - :ref:`ThreadTopicExperimentalDesign`, which gives a detailed overview of the methods of experimental design that are relevant to MUCM, particularly those relating to the design of a training sample. .. - Another important feature of the toolkit is the MUCM Case Studies. The Case Studies are demonstrations of the MUCM methodology applied to address substantive challenges faced by users of real simulation models. The techniques that they use are all described in the toolkit and there are appropriate links from each Case Study to the relevant pages in the toolkit. The Case Studies generally are accessed from the page :ref:`MetaCaseStudies`, and from the menu bar. Currently, this page links just to the first case study, but the intention is to add at least two more case studies in subsequent releases. Later releases of the toolkit will add more threads and other material, including more extensive examples to guide the toolkit user and further Case Studies. In each release we also add more detail to some of the existing threads; for instance, in this release we have a substantial reworking of the variant thread on emulating multiple outputs, and also new material on variance learning for Bayes Linear emulation.