.. _MetaSoftwareDisclaimer: Meta-pages: Software Disclaimer =============================== Information at this site is general information provided as part of the RCUK Manging Uncertainties in Complex Models project. We aim to ensure that all information we maintain is accurate, current and fit for the purpose intended. However it does not constitute legal or other professional advice. Neither the :ref:`MUCM` consortium, or its funders RCUK, nor any of the sources of the information shall be responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the use of or results obtained from the use of this information. The :ref:`MUCM` toolkit includes references in various places to software that we believe is available to carry out some of the toolkit procedures. Users of the toolkit should note, however, that software does not form part of the toolkit and such references are for convenience only. The MUCM consortium makes no endorsement or warranties about any software referred to in the toolkit, and is not responsible for the quality, reliability, accuracy or safety of such software. This includes both software produced by consortium members or by others.