.. _ProcAutomaticRelevanceDetermination: Procedure: Automatic Relevance Determination (ARD) ================================================== We describe here the method of Automatic Relevance Determination (ARD) where the :ref:`correlation length scales` :math:`\delta_i` in a covariance function can be used to determine the input relevance. This is also known as the application of independent priors over the length scales in the covariance models. The purpose of the procedure is to perform :ref:`screening` on the simulator inputs, identifying the :ref:`active` inputs. ARD is typically applied using a zero mean :ref:`Gaussian Process` :ref:`emulator`. Provided the inputs have been standardised (see the procedure page on data preprocessing (:ref:`ProcDataPreProcessing`)), the correlation length scales may be directly used as importance measures. Another case where ARD may be used is with non-zero mean function Gaussian Process where we wish to identify factor effects in the residual process. For example with a linear mean, correlation length scales indicate non-linear and interaction effects. If the effect of a factor is strictly linear with no interaction with other factors, it can still be screened out by subtracting from the simulator output prior to emulation. Choice of Covariance Function ----------------------------- To implement the ARD method, a range of covariance functions can be used. In fact any covariance function that has a length scale vector included can be used for ARD, for example the squared exponential covariance used in most of the toolkit. Such a covariance function is the Rational Quadratic (RQ) : :math:`v(x_p,x_q) =\sigma^2 [1 + (x_p - x_q)^{\tau} P^{-1} (x_p - x_q)/(2 \alpha)]^{-\alpha}` where :math:`\sigma` is the scale parameter and :math:`P=\mathrm{diag}(\delta_i)^{2}` a diagonal matrix of correlation length scale parameters. Taking the limit :math:`a\rightarrow\infty` parameter, we obtain the squared exponential kernel. Assuming :math:`p` input variables, each hyperparameter :math:`\delta_i` is associated with a single input factor. The :math:`\delta_i` hyperparameters are referred to as characteristic length scales and can be interpreted as the distance required to move along a particular axis for the function values to become uncorrelated. If the length-scale has a very large value the covariance becomes almost independent of that input, effectively removing that input from the model. Thus length scales can be viewed as a total effect measure and used to determine the relevance of a particular input. Lastly, if the simulator produces random outputs the emulator should no longer exactly interpolate the observations. In this case, a nugget term :math:`\nu` should be added to the covariance function to capture the response uncertainty. Implementation -------------- Given a set of simulator runs, the ARD procedure can be implemented in the following order: #. **Standardisation**. It is important to first :ref:`standardise` the input data so all input factors operate on the same scale. If rescaling is not done prior to the inference stage, length scale parameters will generally have larger values for input factors operating on larger scales. #. **Inference**. The Maximum-A-Posteriori (MAP) values of the length scale hyper-parameters are typically obtained by iterative non-linear optimisation using standard algorithms such as scaled conjugate gradients, although in a fully Bayesian treatment posterior distributions could be approximated using Monte Carlo methods. Maximum-A-Posteriori (MAP) is the process of identifying the mode of the posterior distribution of the hyperparameter (see the discussion page :ref:`DiscPostModeDelta`). One difficulty using ARD stems from the use of an optimisation process since the optimisation is not guaranteed to converge to a global minimum and thus ensure robustness. The algorithm can be run multiple times from different starting points to assess robustness at the cost of increasing the computational resources required. In case of a very high dimensional input space, maximum likelihood may be too costly or intractable due to the high number of free parameters (one length scale for each dimension). In this case Welch at al (1992) propose a constrained version of maximum likelihood where initially all inputs are assumed to have the same length scale and iteratively, some inputs are assigned separate length scales based on the improvement in the likelihood score. #. **Validation**. To ensure robustness of the screening results, prior to utilising the length scales as importance measures the emulator should be validated as described in procedure page :ref:`ProcValidateCoreGP`. An example of applying the ARD process is provided in :ref:`ExamScreeningAutomaticRelevanceDetermination`. References ---------- Williams, C. K. I. and C. E. Rasmussen (2006). `Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning `_. MIT Press. William J. Welch, Robert. J. Buck, Jerome Sacks, Henry P. Wynn, Toby J. Mitchell and Max D. Morris. " Screening, Predicting, and Computer Experiments", *Technometrics*, Vol. 34, No. 1 (Feb., 1992), pp. 15-25. Available at `http://www.jstor.org/stable/1269548 `_.