.. _ProcBuildCoreGP: Procedure: Build Gaussian process emulator for the core problem =============================================================== Description and Background -------------------------- The preparation for building a :ref:`Gaussian process` (GP) :ref:`emulator` for the :ref:`core problem` involves defining the prior mean and covariance functions, identifying prior distributions for :ref:`hyperparameters`, creating a :ref:`design` for the :ref:`training sample`, then running the :ref:`simulator` at the input configurations specified in the design. All of this is described in the thread for the analysis of the core model using Gaussian process methods (:ref:`ThreadCoreGP`). The procedure here is for taking those various ingredients and creating the GP emulator. Inputs ------ - GP prior mean function :math:`m(\cdot)` depending on hyperparameters :math:`\beta` - GP prior correlation function :math:`c(\cdot,\cdot)` depending on hyperparameters :math:`\delta` - Prior distribution :math:`\pi(\cdot,\cdot,\cdot)` for :math:`\beta,\sigma^2` and :math:`\delta`, where :math:`\sigma^2` is the process variance hyperparameter - Design :math:`D` comprising points :math:`\{x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n\}` in the input space - Output vector :math:`f(D)=(f(x_1),f(x_2),\ldots,f(x_n))^T`, where :math:`f(x_j)` is the simulator output from input point :math:`x_j` Outputs ------- A GP-based emulator in one of the forms presented in the discussion page on GP emulator forms (:ref:`DiscGPBasedEmulator`). In the case of general prior mean and correlation functions and general prior distribution: - A GP posterior conditional distribution with mean function :math:`m^*(\cdot)` and covariance function :math:`v^*(\cdot,\cdot)` conditional on :math:`\theta=\{\beta,\sigma^2,\delta\}` - A posterior representation for :math:`\theta` In the case of linear mean function, general correlation function, weak prior information on :math:`\beta,\sigma^2` and general prior distribution for :math:`\delta`: - A :ref:`t process` posterior conditional distribution with mean function :math:`m^*(\cdot)`, covariance function :math:`v^*(\cdot,\cdot)` and degrees of freedom :math:`b^*` conditional on :math:`\delta` - A posterior representation for :math:`\delta` As explained in :ref:`DiscGPBasedEmulator`, the "posterior representation" for the hyperparameters is formally the posterior distribution for those hyperparameters, but for computational purposes this distribution is represented by a sample of hyperparameter values. In either case, the outputs define the emulator and allow all necessary computations for tasks such as prediction of the simulator output, :ref:`uncertainty analysis` or :ref:`sensitivity analysis`. Procedure --------- General case ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Define the following arrays, according to the conventions set out in the notation page (:ref:`MetaNotation`). :math:`e=f(D)-m(D)`, an :math:`n\times 1` vector; :math:`A=c(D,D)`, an :math:`n\times n` matrix; :math:`t(x)=c(D,x)`, an :math:`n\times 1` vector function of :math:`x`. Then, conditional on :math:`\theta` and the training sample, the simulator output :math:`f(x)` is a GP with posterior mean function .. math:: m^*(x) = m(x) + t(x)^{\rm T} A^{-1} e and posterior covariance function .. math:: v^*(x,x^\prime) = \sigma^2\{c(x,x^\prime) - t(x)^{\rm T} A^{-1} t(x^\prime) \}. This is the first part of the emulator as discussed in :ref:`DiscGPBasedEmulator`. The emulator is completed by a second part formally comprising the posterior distribution of :math:`\theta`, which has density given by .. math:: \pi^*(\beta,\sigma^2,\delta) \propto \pi(\beta,\sigma^2,\delta) \times (\sigma^2)^{-n/2}|A|^{-1/2} \times \exp\{-e^{\rm T}A^{-1}e/(2\sigma^2)\}, where the symbol :math:`\propto` denotes proportionality as usual in Bayesian statistics. In order to compute the emulator predictions and other tasks, the posterior representation of :math:`\theta` includes a sample from this posterior distribution. The standard method for obtaining this is Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). For this general case, the form of the posterior distribution depends very much on the forms of prior mean and correlation functions and the prior distribution, so no general advice can be given. The References section below lists some useful texts on MCMC. Linear mean and weak prior case ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Suppose now that the mean function has the linear form :math:`m(x) = h(x)^{\rm T}\beta`, where :math:`h(\cdot)` is a vector of :math:`q` known :ref:`basis functions` of the inputs and :math:`\beta` is a :math:`q\times 1` column vector of hyperparameters. Suppose also that the prior distribution has the form :math:`\pi(\beta,\sigma^2,\delta) \propto \sigma^{-2}\pi_\delta(\delta)`, i.e. that we have weak prior information on :math:`\beta` and :math:`\sigma^2` and an arbitrary prior distribution :math:`\pi_\delta(\cdot)` for :math:`\delta`. Define :math:`A` and :math:`t(\cdot)` as in the previous case. In addition, define the :math:`n\times q` matrix .. math:: H = [h(x_1),h(x_2),\ldots,h(x_n)]^{\rm T}, or in a more compact notation as :math:`H = h(D^{\rm T})^{\rm T}`, the vector .. math:: \widehat{\beta}=\left( H^{\rm T} A^{-1} H\right)^{-1}H^{\rm T} A^{-1} f(D), and the scalar .. math:: \widehat\sigma^2 = (n-q-2)^{-1}f(D)^{\rm T}\left\{A^{-1} - A^{-1} H\left( H^{\rm T} A^{-1} H\right)^{-1}H^{\rm T}A^{-1}\right\} f(D), which can also be written as .. math:: \widehat\sigma^2 = (n-q-2)^{-1}(f(D)-H\hat{\beta})^{\rm T} A^{-1} (f(D)-H\hat{\beta}). Then, conditional on :math:`\delta` and the training sample, the simulator output :math:`f(x)` is a t process with :math:`b^*=n-q` degrees of freedom, posterior mean function .. math:: m^*(x) = h(x)^{\rm T}\widehat\beta + t(x)^{\rm T} A^{-1} (f(D)-H\widehat\beta) and posterior covariance function .. math:: v^*(x,x^\prime) = \widehat\sigma^2\{c(x,x^\prime) - t(x)^{\rm T} A^{-1} t(x^\prime) + \left( h(x)^{\rm T} - t(x)^{\rm T} A^{-1}H \right) \left( H^{\rm T} A^{-1} H\right)^{-1} \left( h(x^\prime)^{\rm T} - t(x^\prime)^{\rm T} A^{-1}H \right)^{\rm T} \}. This is the first part of the emulator as discussed in :ref:`DiscGPBasedEmulator`. The emulator is formally completed by a second part comprising the posterior distribution of :math:`\delta`, which has density given by .. math:: \pi_\delta^*(\delta) \propto \pi_\delta(\delta) \times (\widehat\sigma^2)^{-(n-q)/2}|A|^{-1/2}| H^{\rm T} A^{-1} H|^{-1/2}. In order to derive the sample representation of this posterior distribution for the second part of the emulator, three approaches can be considered. #. A common approximation is simply to fix :math:`\delta` at a single value estimated from the posterior distribution. The usual choice is the posterior mode, which can be found as the value of :math:`\delta` for which :math:`\pi^*(\delta)` is maximised. The discussion page on finding the posterior mode of delta (:ref:`DiscPostModeDelta`), presents some details of this procedure. See also the alternatives page on estimators of correlation hyperparameters (:ref:`AltEstimateDelta`) for a discussion of alternative estimators. #. Another approach is to formally account for the uncertainty about the true value of :math:`\delta`, by sampling the posterior distribution of the correlation lengths and performing a Monte Carlo integration. This is described in the procedure page :ref:`ProcMCMCDeltaCoreGP`. A reference on MCMC algorithms can be found below. #. An intermediate approach first approximates the posterior distribution by a multivariate lognormal distribution and then uses a sample from this distribution. See also the procedure on multivariate lognormal approximation for correlation hyperparameters (:ref:`ProcApproxDeltaPosterior`). Each of these approaches results in a set of values (or just a single value in the case of the first approach) of :math:`\delta`, which allow the emulator predictions and other required inferences to be computed. Although it represents an approximation that ignores the uncertainty in :math:`\delta`, approach 1 has been widely used. It has often been suggested that, although uncertainty in these correlation hyperparameters can be substantial, taking proper account of that uncertainty through approach 2 does not lead to appreciable differences in the resulting emulator. On the other hand, although this may be true if a good single estimate for :math:`\delta` is used, this is not necessarily easy to find, and the posterior mode may sometimes be a poor choice. Approach 3 has not been used much, but can be recommended when there is concern about using just a single :math:`\delta` estimate. It is simpler than the full MCMC approach 2, but should capture the uncertainty in :math:`\delta` well. Approaches 1 and 2 are both used in the `GEM-SA `_ software (:ref:`disclaimer`). Additional Comments ------------------- Several computational issues can arise in implementing this procedure. These are discussed in :ref:`DiscBuildCoreGP`. References ---------- Here are two leading textbooks on MCMC: - Gilks, W.R., Richardson, S. & Spiegelhalter, D.J. (1996). Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice. Chapman & Hall. - Gamerman, D. and Lopes, H. F. (2006). Markov Chain Monte Carlo: Stochastic Simulation for Bayesian Inference. CRC Press. Although MCMC for the distribution of :math:`\delta` has been reported in a number of articles, they have not given any details for how to do this, assuming instead that the reader is familiar with MCMC techniques.