.. _ProcValidateCoreGP: Procedure: Validate a Gaussian process emulator =============================================== Description and Background -------------------------- Once an :ref:`emulator` has been built, under the fully :ref:`Bayesian` :ref:`Gaussian process` approach, using the procedure in page :ref:`ProcBuildCoreGP`, it is important to :ref:`validate` it. Validation involves checking whether the predictions that the emulator makes about the :ref:`simulator` output accord with actual observation of runs of the simulator. Since the emulator has been built using a :ref:`training sample` of runs, it will inevitably predict those correctly. Hence validation uses an additional set of runs, the validation sample. We describe here the process of setting up a validation sample, using the validation data to test the emulator and interpreting the results of the tests. We consider here an emulator for the :ref:`core problem`, and in particular we are only concerned with one simulator output. Inputs ------ - Emulator, as derived in page :ref:`ProcBuildCoreGP`. - The input configurations :math:`D=\{x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n\}` at which the simulator was run to produce the training data from which the emulator was built. Outputs ------- - A conclusion, either that the emulator is valid or that it is not valid. - If the emulator is deemed not valid, then indications for how to improve it. Procedure --------- The validation sample ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The validation sample must be distinct from the training sample that was used to build the emulator. One approach is to reserve part of the training data for validation, and to build the emulator only using the rest of the training data. However, the usual approach to designing a training sample (typically to use points that are well spread out, through some kind of space-filling design, see the alternatives page on training sample design (:ref:`AltCoreDesign`)) does not generally provide subsets that are good for validation. It is preferable to develop a validation sample design after building the emulator, taking into account the training sample design :math:`D` and the estimated values of the correlation function :ref:`hyperparameters` :math:`\delta`. Validation sample design is discussed in page :ref:`DiscCoreValidationDesign`. We denote the validation design by :math:`D^\prime=\{x^\prime_1,x^\prime_2,\ldots,x^\prime_{n^\prime}\}`, with :math:`n^\prime` points. The simulator is run at each of the validation points to produce the output vector :math:`f(D^\prime)=(f(x^\prime_1),f(x^\prime_2),\ldots f(x^\prime_{n^\prime})^T)`, where :math:`f(x^\prime_j)` is the simulator output from the run with input vector :math:`x^\prime_j`. We then need to evaluate the emulator's predictions for :math:`f(D^\prime)`. For the purposes of our diagnostics, it will be enough to evaluate means, variances and covariances. The procedure for computing these moments is given in the procedure page for predicting simulator outputs (:ref:`ProcPredictGP`). The procedure is particularly simple in the case of a linear mean function, weak prior information on hyperparameters :math:`\beta` and :math:`\sigma^2`, and a single posterior estimate of :math:`\delta`, since then the required moments are simply given by the functions :math:`m^*(\cdot)` and :math:`v^*(\cdot,\cdot)` given in :ref:`ProcBuildCoreGP` (evaluated at the estimate of :math:`\delta`). In fact, where we have a linear mean function and weak prior information on the other hyperparameters, it is recommended that only a single estimate of :math:`\delta` is computed prior to validation. If the validation tests declare the emulator to be valid, *then* it may be worthwhile to go back and derive a sample of :math:`\delta` values for subsequent use. We denote the predictive means and covariances of the validation data by :math:`m^*(x^\prime_j)` and :math:`v^*(x^\prime_j,x^\prime_{j^\prime})`, noting that the predictive variance of the j-th point is :math:`v^*(x^\prime_j,x^\prime_j)`. We let :math:`m^*` be the mean vector :math:`(m^*(x^\prime_1), m^*(x^\prime_2),\ldots,m^*(x^\prime_{n^\prime}))^T` and :math:`V^*` be the covariance matrix with :math:`(j,j^\prime)`-th element :math:`v^*(x^\prime_j,x^\prime_{j^\prime})`. Possible causes of validation failure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before presenting the diagnostics it is useful to consider the various ways in which an emulator may fail to make valid predictions. Although the GP is a very flexible way to represent prior knowledge about the computer model, the GP emulator can give poor predictions of simulator outputs for at least two basic reasons. First, the assumption of particular mean and correlation functions may be inappropriate. Second, even if these assumptions are reasonable there are various hyperparameters to be estimated, and a bad or unfortunate choice of training dataset may suggest inappropriate values for these parameters. In the case of the correlation function parameters :math:`\delta`, where we condition on fixed estimates, we may also make a poor choice of estimate. If the assumed form of the mean function is wrong, for instance because inappropriate regressors have been used in a linear form (see the alternatives page on emulator prior mean function (:ref:`AltMeanFunction`)), or if the hyperparameters :math:`\beta` have been poorly estimated, then the emulator predictions may be systematically too low or too high in some regions of the input space. In the various forms of correlation function considered in the discussion page on GP covariance function (:ref:`DiscCovarianceFunction`), and in the alternatives page on emulator prior correlation function (:ref:`AltCorrelationFunction`) all involve stationarity, implying that we expect the simulator output to respond with similar degrees of smoothness and variability at all points in the input space. In practice, simulators may respond much more rapidly to changes in the inputs at some parts of the space than others. In case of such non-stationarity, credible intervals of emulator predictions can be too wide in regions of low responsiveness or too narrow in regions where the response is more dynamic. Finally, although the form of the correlation function may be appropriate, we may estimate the parameters :math:`\sigma^2` and :math:`\delta` poorly. When we have incorrect estimation of the variance (:math:`\sigma^2`), the credible intervals of the emulator predictions are systematically too wide or too narrow. Poor estimation of the correlation parameters (:math:`\delta`) leads to credible intervals that are too wide or too narrow in the neighbourhood of the training data points. Validation diagnostics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We present here a basic set of validation diagnostics. In each case we present the diagnostic itself and a reference probability distribution against which the observed value of the diagnostic should be compared. If the observed value is extreme relative to that distribution, i.e. it is far out in one or other tail of the reference distribution, then this indicates a validation failure. It is a matter of judgement how extreme a validation diagnostic needs to be before declaring a validation failure. It is common to use the upper and lower 5% points of the reference distribution as suggestive of a failure, with the upper and lower 0.1% points corresponding to clear evidence of failure. We discuss the implications and interpretations of each possible validation failure and the extent to which these should lead to a decision that the emulator is not valid. Reference distributions are approximate, but the approximations are good enough for the purposes of identifying validation failures. Mahalanobis distance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Mahalanobis distance diagnostic is .. math:: M = (f(D^\prime)-m^*)^T(V^*)^{-1}(f(D^\prime)-m^*). The reference distribution for :math:`M` is the scaled F-Snedecor distribution with :math:`n^\prime` and :math:`(n - q)` degrees of freedom, where :math:`q` is the dimension of the :math:`h(\cdot)` function. The mean of this reference distribution is .. math:: \textrm{E}[M] = n^\prime and the variance is .. math:: \textrm{Var}[M] = \frac{2n^{\prime}(n^{\prime}+n-q-2)}{n-q-4} :math:`M` is a measure of overall fit. If too large it suggests that the emulator is over-confident, in the sense that the uncertainty expressed in :math:`V^*` is too low compared to the observed differences between the observed :math:`f(D^\prime)` and the predictive means :math:`m^*`. This in turn may suggest poor estimation of :math:`\beta`, under-estimation of :math:`\sigma^2` or generally over-estimated correlation length parameters :math:`\delta`. Conversely, if :math:`M` is too small it suggests that the emulator is underconfident, which in turn suggests over-estimation of :math:`\sigma^2` or generally under-estimated correlation length parameters. An extreme value of this diagnostic should be investigated further through the following more targeted diagnostics. Whilst a moderate value of :math:`M` generally suggests that the emulator is valid, it is prudent to engage anyway in these further diagnostic checks, because they may bring out areas of concern. Individual standardised errors ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The individual standardised errors are, for :math:`j=1,2,\ldots,n^\prime`, .. math:: e_j = \frac{f(x^\prime_j)-m^*(x_j^\prime)}{\sqrt{v^*(x^\prime_j,x^\prime_j)}}. Each of these is a validation diagnostic in its own right with reference distribution the standard normal distribution, :math:`{\cal N}(0,1)`. When comparing with the reference distribution, it is important to remember that we are making many tests and if :math:`n^\prime` is large enough then we certainly expect some moderately extreme values by pure chance even if the emulator is valid. We are therefore looking for individual very extreme values (larger than 3 in absolute value, say) or patterns of extreme values. Isolated very extreme :math:`e_j` values suggest a local irregular behaviour of the simulator in the region of :math:`x^\prime_j`. Clusters of extreme values whose input values :math:`x^\prime_j` lie in a particular region of the input space suggest non-stationarity of the simulator in that region. If large values tend to correspond to :math:`x^\prime_j` values close to training sample design points this suggests over-estimation of correlation lengths. It should be noted that groups of unusually *small* values of :math:`e_j` close to training sample design points suggest under-estimation of correlation lengths. It is important to note, however, that the :math:`e_j` values are not independent, and this makes interpretation of apparent patterns of individual errors difficult. The next group of diagnostics, the pivoted Cholesky errors, are the most promising of a number of ways to generate independent standardised errors. Pivoted Cholesky errors ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The well-known Cholesky decomposition of a positive-definite matrix yields a kind of square-root matrix. In our diagnostics we use a version of this called the pivoted Cholesky decomposition. The procedure for this is given in page :ref:`ProcPivotedCholesky`. Let :math:`C` be the pivoted Cholesky decomposition of :math:`V^*` and let .. math:: t = C^{-1} (f(D^\prime)-m^*). Then we consider each of the individual elements :math:`t_k` of this vector to be a validation diagnostics, for :math:`k=1,2,\ldots,n^\prime`. The reference distribution for each :math:`t_k` is standard normal. A property of the pivoted Cholesky decomposition is that each :math:`t_k` is associated with a particular validation sample value, but the ordering of these diagnostics is different from the ordering of the validation dataset. Thus, for instance, the first diagnostic :math:`t_1` will not generally correspond to the first validation data point :math:`x^\prime_1`. The ordering instead assists with identifying particular kinds of emulator failure. Extreme values of :math:`t_k` early in the sequence (low :math:`k`) suggest under-estimation of :math:`\sigma^2`, while if the values early in the sequence are unusually small then this suggests over-estimation of :math:`\sigma^2`. When these extremes or unusually low values cluster instead at the end of the sequence (high :math:`k`) it suggests over-/under-estimation of correlation lengths. Response to diagnostics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If there are no validation failures, or only relatively minor failures, we will generally declare the emulator to be valid. This does not, of course, constitute proof of validity. Subsequent usage may yet uncover problems with the emulator. Nevertheless, we would proceed on the basis that the emulator appears to be valid. In practice, it is rare to have no validation failures - local inhomogeneity of the simulator's behaviour will almost always lead to some emulation difficulties. Declaring validity when minor validation errors have arisen is a pragmatic decision. When failures cannot be ignored because they are too extreme or too numerous, the emulator should not be used as it stands. Instead, it should be rebuilt with more data. Changes to the assumed mean and correlation functions may also be indicated. Rebuilding with additional data is, in one sense at least, straightforward since we have the validation sample data which can simply be added to the original training sample data. We now regard the combined data as our training sample and proceed to rebuild the emulator. However, it should be noted that we will need additional validation data with which the validate the rebuilt emulator. Also, the diagnostics may indicate adding new data in particular regions of the input space, if problems have been noted in those regions. Problems with the correlation parameters may suggest including extra training data points that are relatively close to either the original training data points or the validation points. Additional Comments ------------------- These diagnostics, and some others, were developed in :ref:`MUCM` and presented in Bastos, L. S. and O'Hagan, A. (2008). Diagnostics for Gaussian process emulators. MUCM Technical Report 08/02. (May be downloaded from the `MUCM website `_.) Validation is something of an evolving art. We hope to extend the discussion here as we gain more experience in :ref:`MUCM` with the diagnostics.