.. _ThreadGenericMultipleEmulators: Thread: Generic methods for combining two or more emulators =========================================================== Overview -------- In this thread we consider the situation in which two or more independent :ref:`emulators` have been built. Each emulates a single output of a :ref:`simulator`, and we assume that they all have the same set of inputs. This situation will usually arise when the emulators are emulating different outputs from the same simulator - see the alternatives page on approaches to emulating multiple outputs (:ref:`AltMultipleOutputsApproach`). It may also arise when they are emulating outputs from different simulators, and here the requirement for all the emulators to have the same set of inputs may be met by assembling all the inputs for the different simulators into a single combined set (so that an individual emulator formally has this pooled set as its inputs although it only depends on a subset of them). The emulators have been built separately and are supposed to be independent. Our objective in this thread is to combine the emulators to address tasks which do not relate to a single output. Here are some examples. - A simulator of an engine outputs the fuel consumption in each minute during a loading test. In order to estimate consumption at different time points we have considered the alternative emulation approaches discussed in :ref:`AltMultipleOutputsApproach` and decided to build separate, independent emulators. However, we are also interested in the cumulative consumption at the end of the first hour, which is the sum of the separate minute-by-minute consumption outputs. - A simulator outputs the average electricity demand per capita in a city on a given day. Its inputs include weather conditions and demographic data about the city. Separate emulators are built for a number of different cities, in which the demographic data for each city are fixed and the emulator takes just the weather variables as inputs. (It is common to use emulation in this way, to emulate the simulator output for a specific application in which the simulator inputs specific to that application are fixed.) We now wish to estimate total electricity demand over these cities on that day, which is the sum of the various per capita demands weighted by the city populations. Note that although we may be able to assume that the temperature is the same in all the cities on that day, the rainfall and cloud cover may vary between cities, so we would need to use the device of pooling inputs. This thread therefore deals with how to combine two or more independent emulators to address such questions. The emulators ------------- We consider emulators built using any of the methods described in other threads, for instance the core threads :ref:`ThreadCoreGP` and :ref:`ThreadCoreBL`. Therefore they may be fully :ref:`Bayesian` :ref:`Gaussian process` (GP) emulators or :ref:`Bayes linear` (BL) emulators. The two forms of emulator are different, so this thread addresses separate issues for combining GP or BL emulators where appropriate. - A GP emulator is in the form of an updated GP (or a related process called a :ref:`t-process`) conditional on hyperparameters, plus one or more sets of representative values of those hyperparameters. - A BL emulator consists of a set of updated means, variances and covariances for the simulator output. We suppose therefore that we are interested in one or more functions of the simulator outputs. These functions may be linear, as in the above examples, or nonlinear. We also suppose that the emulators have been :ref:`validated` as described in the relevant thread. Tasks ----- Having obtained a working emulator, the MUCM methodology now enables efficient analysis of a number of tasks that regularly face users of simulators. In these tasks, the procedure may simply reduce to combining the results of performing the corresponding task on each emulator separately; however, some tasks require additional computations. Prediction ~~~~~~~~~~ The simplest task for an emulator is as a fast surrogate for the simulator, i.e. to predict what output the simulator would produce if run at a new point in the input space. Procedures for predicting one or more functions of independently emulated outputs are set out in the procedure page :ref:`ProcPredictMultipleEmulators`. Uncertainty analysis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :ref:`Uncertainty analysis` is the process of predicting the simulator output when one or more of the inputs are uncertain. The procedure page :ref:`ProcUAMultipleEmulators` explains how this is done for functions of independently emulated outputs. Additional Comments, References, and Links ------------------------------------------ Other tasks that can be addressed include sensitivity analysis (studying how outputs are influenced by individual inputs), optimisation (finding the values of one or more inputs that will minimise or maximise the output) and decision analysis (finding an optimal decision according to a formal description of utilities). We expect to add procedures for these tasks for multiple emulators in due course.