.. _ThreadTopicExperimentalDesign: Thread: Experimental design ******************************** This thread presents different ways of an selecting experimental :ref:`design`, namely a set of input combinations at which to make computer runs, to construct an :ref:`emulator`. We may use the term "design space" to mean the region of input space from which the combinations may be selected and the term "design point" for an actual combination. Designs separate into two basic classes: general purpose designs, which may be used for a range of different :ref:`simulators`, and designs which are chosen to be optimal (in some sense) for a particular simulator. For computer experiments to build an emulator the most used general purpose designs are :ref:`space filling designs`. :ref:`model based designs` which are based on the principles of optimal design but tailor-made for computer experiments. Solving optimality problems requires optimisers, that is optimisation algorithms. Exchange algorithms (:ref:`ProcExchangeAlgorithm`) are favoured in which, naively, "bad" design points are exchanged for "good". They are cheap to implement and very fast. They are similar in style to global optimisation algorithms, particularly those versions which include a random search element. A special technique to approximate the process and its covariance function, which provides a useful simplification, is the Karhunen-Loeve expansion: :ref:`DiscKarhunenLoeveExpansion` and this can be adapted to experimental design. An ideal is to be able to conduct sequential experiments in which one can adapt present computer runs to data and analysis conducted previously. Some methods are being developed in :ref:`ProcASCM`. Overview ======== In any scientific study experimental design should play an important part. The terminology changes, somewhat, between areas and even within statistics itself. Similar terms are: planning of experiments, design of a training set, supervised learning, selective sampling, spatial sampling and so on. Historically, "experiment" has always been a key part of the scientific method. Francis Bacon (1620, Novum Organum): *... the real order of experience begins by setting up a light, and then shows the road by it, commencing with a regulated and digested, not a misplaced and vague course of experiment, and hence deducing axioms, and from those axioms new experiments...* The subject came of age with the introduction of properly planned agricultural field trials in the 1920s by R A Fisher. It then developed into combinatorial design methods (Latin Squares etc), :ref:`factorial design`, response surface design, :ref:`optimal design` both classical and Bayesian. In this thread we focus on methods of computer experimental design for the purpose of building an emulator. Developing a protocol for a computer experiments study ====================================================== A scientific study requires an experimental protocol, even if the initial protocol is adapted to circumstances. Experiments need to be planned. This is as much true of a computer experiment as of a physical experiment. We divide this section into two subsections, the first covers some essential planning issues, the second gives a simple standard scheme or *protocol*. Planning -------- The following are some issues which are important when planning a computer experiment. #. The objective of the experiment. There are many, e.g. (i) to understand the input-output relationship (ii) to find the most important explanatory factors (iii) to find the inputs which place the output in some target region or achieve a given level (the inverse problem) (iv) to find the input which maximises the output and what the maximum value is. #. A starting model. (i) What do we know already about the relationship between inputs and outputs? (ii) Can we rank the inputs in perceived order of importance? Are there regions of input space for which the output has highly variable output? #. Input and output variables. A full description is essential: (i) units of measurement (ii) ranges (iii) discrete, continuous, functional, etc (iv) our ability to set levels, measure, record, store etc. In summary: each variable needs a full "CV". #. Input variables (factors) (i) nominal (central) values, (ii) range, (ii) method of setting levels: by hand, automated, input files etc. #. Experimental costs/resources. (i) run time (physical or computer experiments) (ii) budget etc. A good measure of cost is how many hours, to set up, run the computer, etc to obtain results of a unit of experimental activity. A simple four-stage protocol ---------------------------- It is unwise to launch a study with one large experiment. The following is a basic protocol. Each stage will need an experimental design and one should only proceed to the next stage after analysing the results of the previous stage. Analysis is only discussed in this thread to the extent needed for design, but it is helpful to provide diagrammatic representations of results e.g. (i) tables of which input affects which output (ii) basic effect plots. #. *Nominal experiment*. Set all inputs to their nominal values and generate the output(s). This provides a useful check on (i) the performability of a basic run (ii) a central input-to-output combination (iii) data on set-up time, run time, etc. By experimenting at the "centre" of the input space a useful bench-mark for future runs is provided. #. *Initial* :ref:`screening` *experiment*. One may use a formal screening design. The purpose is to identify input factors which significantly affect one or more outputs, with a view to not including (or keeping at their nominal values) the non-significant factors. Even keeping all input factors at nominal and moving just one factor of interest is useful, although inefficient as part of a larger experiment. #. *Main experiment*. This involves the design and conduct of a larger scale experiment making use of (i) perceived significant inputs (ii) prior knowledge of possible models. It is here that a more sophisticated design for computer experiments may be used. #. *Confirmatory experiment (*:ref:`validation` *experiment)*. At a basic level it is useful to have additional training runs as an overall check on the accuracy/validity of the emulator. If the experiments are a success they will confirm or disconfirm prior beliefs about relationships, discover new ones, achieve some optimum etc. It is often important to carry out a more focused confirmatory follow-up experiment. For example, if it is considered that a set of input values puts the output in a target region, then confirmatory runs can try to confirm this. Main experiment design for an emulator ====================================== We now consider in some depth the design of the “main experiment” as described above, with which to build an emulator. The set of design points together with the output in this case is commonly referred to as the :ref:`training sample`. General discussion on the design of a training sample is given in the page :ref:`DiscCoreDesign`, and we provide here some more technical background. We will return briefly to consideration of screening and validation designs in the final section of this thread. The most widely used training sample designs are general purpose designs, particularly those that have a :ref:`space-filling` property. Such designs attempt to place the design points in the design space so that they are well separated and cover the design space evenly. The rationale for such designs rests on the fact that the simulator output is assumed to vary smoothly as the inputs change, and so in the case of a :ref:`deterministic` simulator there is very little extra information to be gained by placing two design points very close to each other. Having design points very close together can also lead to numerical difficulties (as discussed in the page :ref:`DiscBuildCoreGP`). Conversely, leaving large “holes” in the design space risks missing important local behaviour of the simulator. General purpose designs have a long history in experimental design and :ref:`DiscFactorialDesign` gives a short introduction. One could consider a space-filling design as a very special type of factorial design, again tailored to computer experiments. In the same way that classical factorial designs give a certain amount of robustness against different possible simple polynomial models, so space-filling designs guard against, or prepare for the presence of, different output features that may arise in different parts of the design space. Such general-purpose designs have been widely and successfully used in computer experiments. But there are several reasons to look at more sophisticated “tailor-made” designs. For instance, not having points close together makes it more difficult to identify the form and parameters of a suitable covariance function (see the discussion of covariance functions in the page :ref:`AltCorrelationFunction` and of estimating their parameters in :ref:`AltEstimateDelta`). Also, sequential design procedures may allow the main experiment to adapt to information in earlier stages when planning later stages. (Although some non-random space-filling designs presented in the page :ref:`AltCoreDesign` may be used in a sequential way, they are not adaptive.) As a result, there is growing interest in :ref:`model-based` optimal designs for training samples. The Bayesian approach is very useful in underpinning the principals of optimal design because it gives well-defined meaning to the increase in precision or information expected from an experiment. It is also natural because in :ref:`MUCM`, we choose Bayesian models to build the emulator. Model based optimal design is critically dependent on the criteria used. One way to think of optimal design is as a special type of decision problem, and like all decision problems some notion of optimality is needed (in economics one would have a utility function whose expectation is a risk function). There are well-known criteria which were first introduced in (non-Bayesian) classical regression analysis but are now fully adapted to the Bayesian setting. An example of a Bayesian principal working is in understanding the expected again in information from an experiment. All these matters are discussed in :ref:`AltOptimalCriteria`. Further discussion of basic optimal design for computer experiments can also be found in :ref:`AltCoreDesign`. In the same way that model-based optimal experimental design grew out of a more decision-theoretical approach to factorial design in regression, so optimal design for computer experiments is a second or even third generation approach to experimental design. The methodology behind optimal design for computer experiments remains, here, Bayes optimal design, but two issues (at least) distinguish the emphasis of optimal design for computer experiments from that for Bayes optimal design in regression. The first is that the criteria are most often based on prediction because the overall quality of the emulator fit is important. Second, the covariance parameters appear in the Gaussian Process model in a non-linear way (see :ref:`AltCorrelationFunction`), making optimal design for covariance estimation more intractable when the covariance parameters are unknown. - *Optimisation*. Solving an optimality problem requires and optimisation algorithm. Exchange algorithms (see the procedure page :ref:`ProcExchangeAlgorithm`) iterativley swap one or more points in the design for the same number of points in the candidate set, but outside the design, with the aim of exchanging "bad" points for "better" points. The algorithms are simple to implement and fast, but not guaranteed to converge to the globally best solution. More sophisticated algorithms such as branch and bound which give a global optimum (see :ref:`ProcBranchAndBoundAlgorithm`) are available but slower and harder to implement. - *The Karhunen-Loeve expansion*. A promising way to handle the nonlinearity of the covariance function in its parameters is to use the Karhunen-Loeve expansion. This approach is described in more detail below. - *Sequential design*. We have already mentioned the potential value of sequential design and this is also discussed below. Karhunen Loeve (K-L) method --------------------------- This is a method for representing a Gaussian Process and its covariance function as arising from a random regression with an infinite number of regression functions; see :ref:`DiscKarhunenLoeveExpansion`. These function are "orthogonal" in a well-defined sense. By truncating the series, and equivalently its covariance function, we obtain an approximation to the process but one which makes it an ordinary random regression and therefore amenable to standard Bayes optimal design methods; see :ref:`AltOptimalCriteria`. To use the K-L method one needs to compute the expansion numerically because there are very few cases in which there is a closed form solution. The K-L method is one way of avoiding the problems associated with optimal design for covariance parameters which arise because of the non-linearity. Another benefit is that one can see how the smoothness of the process is split between different terms; typically slowly varying terms lead to design points which are more extreme or concentrate on few areas whereas high frequency terms tend to require designs points which are spread inside the design space. Sequential experiments ---------------------- Sequential methods in experimental design can be simple; the above four-stage protocol can be considered as a type of sequential experiment. Full sequential procedures use the data and the analysis from previous experiments to select further experiments. They can be one design point at a time or block sequential. The Bayes paradigm is very useful in understanding sequential experimental design and in :ref:`AltOptimalCriteria` there is a discussion. The basic strategy is to update parameter estimates, of both the "regression" and covariance parameters, and base the next design point or block of design points on the updated assessment of the underlying Gaussian process. As mentioned, criteria which depend on prediction quality are favoured. It is useful to think of sequential design as being partly adaptive in the case where outputs play little or no role in the choice of the next block of designs points and fully adaptive, where both inputs and outputs are used. The partly adaptive material appears in :ref:`ProcASCM`. Fully adaptive methods will appear in later releases of the toolkit, using the partly adaptive methods as a foundation. Design for other toolkit areas ============================== Screening design ---------------- Screening was discussed earlier in the context of the second stage of the four-stage protocol. Screening methods, with the resulting specialised designs, are considered in the topic thread :ref:`ThreadTopicScreening`. Validation design ----------------- Validation was discussed in the context of the fourth stage of the four-stage protocol. Suitable criteria and designs for validation are an active topic of research and we expect to provide more discussion in a later release of the toolkit. Some interim ideas are presented in :ref:`DiscCoreValidationDesign`. Simulation design ----------------- Thi kind of design that arise in the toolkit is in the context of simulation techniques for computing predictions and other more complex tasks from emulators. As discussed in :ref:`ProcSimulationBasedInference`, the general simulation method involves drawing simulated realisations of the simulator itself, and the associated design issue is discussed in :ref:`DiscRealisationDesign`. This is another area where more research is needed and we hope to report progress in later releases of the toolkit. Design for combined physical and computer experiments ----------------------------------------------------- An outstanding problem is to design experiments which are a mixture of computer experiments (simulation runs) and physical experiments. Some of the issues come under the heading of :ref:`calibration`. A simple protocol is to do physical experiments to improve the predictions of constants, features or simply the model itself where these are predicted by the emulator to be poor (high discrepancy) or where the uncertainty is large (high posterior variance). An ideal Bayesian approach is to combine the emulator and real world model into a single modelling system, given a full joint prior distribution. This model-based approach may eventually lead to more coherent optimal design than simple protocols of the kind just mentioned. The importance of this area cannot be underestimated. Additional Comments, References, and Links ========================================== The following books have some design material. Thomas J. Santner, Brian J. Williams, William Notz. The design and analysis of computer experiments. Springer, 2003 K. Fang, R. Lui and A.Sudjianto. Design and modelling for computer experiments. Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2005. A recent paper on computer/physical experiments is: D. Romano (with A Giovagnoli) A sequential methodology for integrating physical and computer experiments. Presentation at the Newton Institute. `http://www.newton.ac.uk/programmes/DOE/seminars/081515001.html `__