History Matching DemosΒΆ

This demo shows how to carry out History Matching using a GP emulator. The two examples show how a fit GP can be passed directly to the HistoryMatching class, or how the predictions object can be passed instead. The demo also shows how other options can be set.

import mogp_emulator
import numpy as np

# simple History Matching example

# simulator function -- needs to take a single input and output a single number

def f(x):
    return np.exp(-np.sum((x-2.)**2, axis = -1)/2.)

# Experimental design -- requires a list of parameter bounds if you would like to use
# uniform distributions. If you want to use different distributions, you
# can use any of the standard distributions available in scipy to create
# the appropriate ppf function (the inverse of the cumulative distribution).
# Internally, the code creates the design on the unit hypercube and then uses
# the distribution to map from [0,1] to the real parameter space.

ed = mogp_emulator.LatinHypercubeDesign([(0., 5.), (0., 5.)])

# sample space, use many samples to ensure we get a good emulator

inputs = ed.sample(50)

# run simulation

targets = np.array([f(p) for p in inputs])

# Example observational data is a single number plus an uncertainty.
# In this case we use a number close to 1, which should have a corresponding
# input close to (2,2) after performing history matching


# First step -- fit GP using MLE and Squared Exponential Kernel

gp = mogp_emulator.GaussianProcess(inputs, targets)

gp = mogp_emulator.fit_GP_MAP(gp)


# First Example: Use HistoryMatching class to make the predictions

print("Example 1: Make predictions with HistoryMatching object")

# create HistoryMatching object, set threshold to be low to make printed output
# easier to read

threshold = 0.01
hm = mogp_emulator.HistoryMatching(threshold=threshold)

# For this example, we set the observations, GP, and the coordinates
# observations is either a single float (the value) or two floats (value and
# uncertainty as a variance)

obs = [1., 0.08]

# set coordinates of GP object where we will test if the points can plausbily
# explain the data here we use our existing experimental design, but sample
# 10000 points

coords = ed.sample(10000)

# calculate implausibility metric

implaus = hm.get_implausibility()

# print points that we have not ruled out yet:

for p, im in zip(coords[hm.get_NROY()], implaus[hm.get_NROY()]):
    print("Sample point: {}      Implausibility: {}".format(p, im))


# Second Example: Pass external GP predictions and add model discrepancy

print("Example 2: External Predictions and Model Discrepancy")

# use gp to make predictions on 10000 new points externally

coords = ed.sample(10000)

expectations = gp.predict(coords)

# now create HistoryMatching object with these new parameters

hm_extern = mogp_emulator.HistoryMatching(obs=obs, expectations=expectations,

# calculate implausibility, adding a model discrepancy (as a variance)

implaus_extern = hm_extern.get_implausibility(0.1)

# print points that we have not ruled out yet:

for p, im in zip(coords[hm_extern.get_NROY()], implaus_extern[hm_extern.get_NROY()]):
    print("Sample point: {}      Implausibility: {}".format(p, im))