Definition of Term: Decision-based sensitivity analysisΒΆ

In decision-based sensitivity analysis we consider the effect on a decision which will be based on the output \(f(X)\) of a simulator as we vary the inputs \(X\), when the variation of those inputs is described by a (joint) probability distribution. This probability distribution can be interpreted as describing uncertainty about the best or true values for the inputs.

We measure the sensitivity to an individual input \(X_i\) by the extent to which we would be able to make a better decision if we could remove the uncertainty in that input.

A decision problem is characterised by a set of possible decisions and a utility function that gives a value \(U(d,f(x))\) if we take decision \(d\) and the true value for the input vector is \(x\). The optimal decision, given the uncertainty in \(X\), is the one which maximises the expected utility. Let \(U^*\) be the resulting maximised expected utility based on the current uncertainty in the inputs.

If we were to remove the uncertainty in the i-th input by learning that its true value is \(X_i = x_i\), then we might make a different decision. We would now take the expected utility with respect to the conditional distribution of \(X\) given that \(X_i = x_i\), and then maximise this with respect to the decision \(d\). Let \(U^*_i(x_i)\) be the resulting maximised expected utility. This of course depends on the true value \(x_i\) of \(X_i\), which we do not know. The decision-based sensitivity measure for the i-th input is then the value of learning the true value of \(X_i\) in terms of improved expected utility, i.e. \(V_i = \text{E}[U^*_i(X_i)] - U^*\), where the expectation in the first term is with respect to the marginal distribution of \(X_i\).

We can similarly define the sensitivity measure for two or more inputs as being the value of learning the true values of all of these.

Variance-based sensitivity analysis is a special case of decision-based analysis, when the decision is simply to estimate the true output \(f(X)\) and the utility function is negative squared error. In practice, though, variance-based sensitivity analysis provides natural measures of sensitivity when there is no specific decision problem.