Discussion: Adjusting Exchangeable Beliefs


Second-order exchangeability judgements about a collection of quantities can be used to adjust our beliefs and make inference about population means. There are many methods which address this problem, which can also be extended to the adjustment of beliefs about population variances and covariances. This requires some additional consideration of the specification of our prior beliefs as well as the organisation of such an adjustment.

This concept is of particular relevance as we typically consider the residual process from an emulator to have a second-order exchageable form. This means that we can employ these methods to learn about the population mean and variance of the emulator residuals. This process is described in ProcBLVarianceLearning, whereas this page focuses on the general methodology.

This page assumes that the reader is familiar with the concepts of exchangeability and second-order exchangeability. The analysis and discussion will be from a Bayes linear perspective.

The Second-Order Representation Theorem

Suppose that we have a collection of random variables \(Y=\{Y_1,Y_2,\dots\}\), which we judge to be second-order exchangeable (SOE). Second-order exchangeability induces the following belief specification for \(Y\):

  • \(\text{E}[Y_i]=\mu\),
  • \(\text{Var}[Y_i]=\Sigma\),
  • \(\text{Cov}[Y_i,Y_j]=\Gamma\),

for all \(i\neq j\) where \(\mu\), \(\Sigma\), and \(\Gamma\) are the population means, variances and covariances.

It can be shown that for an infinite, second-order exchangeable sequence \(Y_i\) can be decomposed into two components - a mean component and a residual component. The justification for this decomposition is the representation theorem for second-order exchangeable random variables (see section 6.4 of Goldstein & Woof). Application of this representation theorem imposes the following structure and belief specifications:

  1. \(Y_i=\mathcal{M}(Y)+\mathcal{R}_i(Y)\) - Each individual \(Y_i\) is decomposed into the population mean vector, \(\mathcal{M}(Y)\), and its individual residual vector, \(\mathcal{R}_i(Y)\).
  2. \(\text{E}[\mathcal{M}(Y)]=\mu\), and \(\text{Var}[\mathcal{M}(Y)]=\Gamma=\text{Cov}[Y_i,Y_j]\) - The expectation of the mean component is the population mean of the \(Y_i\), and since the mean component is common to all \(Y_i\) it is the source of all the covariance between the \(Y_i\),
  3. \(\text{E}[\mathcal{R}_i(Y)]=0\), \(\text{Var}[\mathcal{R}_i(Y)]=\Sigma-\Gamma\), and \(\text{Cov}[\mathcal{R}_i(Y),\mathcal{R}_j(Y)]=0\), \(\forall i\neq j\) - The residual component is individual to each \(Y_i\) and has mean 0, constant variance, and zero correlation across the \(Y_i\) – i.e. the residuals are themselves second-order exchangeable.
  4. \(\text{Cov}[\mathcal{M}(Y),\mathcal{R}_i(Y)]=0\) - The mean and residual components are uncorrelated.

Note here that \(\mu\), \(\Sigma\), and \(\Gamma\) are just belief specifications - these quantities are known and fixed - however \(\mathcal{M}[Y]\) and the \(\mathcal{R}_j(Y)\)s are uncertain and we consider learning about \(\mathcal{M}(Y)\) and the variance of the \(\mathcal{R}_j(Y)\)s.

Adjusting beliefs about the mean of a collection of exchangeable random vectors

We now describe how we can use a sample of exchangeable data to adjust our beliefs about the underlying population quantities. Continuing with the notation of previous sections, our goal is to consider how our beliefs about the population mean \(\mathcal{M}(Y)\) are adjusted when we observe a sample of \(n\) values of our exchangeable random quantities, \(D_n=(Y_1,\dots,Y_n)\).

It can be shown that when adjusting beliefs about \(\mathcal{M}(Y)\) by the entire sample \(D_n\), the adjustment of our beliefs by the sample mean


is sufficient - see Section 6.10 of the Goldstein & Wooff for details. Since the \(Y_i\) are exchangeable, we can express the sample mean, from a sample of size \(n\), as


where \(\bar{\mathcal{R}}_n(Y)\) is the mean of the \(n\) residuals, and so

  • \(\text{E}[\bar{Y}_n]=\mu\),
  • \(\text{Var}[\bar{Y}_n]=\Gamma+\frac{1}{n}(\Sigma-\Gamma)\),
  • \(\text{Cov}[\bar{Y}_n,\mathcal{M}(Y)]=\Gamma\).

We can then apply the Bayes linear adjustment formulae directly to find our adjusted beliefs about the population mean, \(\mathcal{M}(Y)\), given the mean of a sample of size \(n\) as

\[\text{E}_n[\mathcal{M}(Y)] = \mu + \Gamma\left(\Gamma+\frac{1}{n}(\Sigma-\Gamma)\right)^{-1}(\bar{Y}_n-\mu),\]

with corresponding adjusted variance

\[\text{Var}_n[\mathcal{M}(Y)]=\Gamma-\Gamma\left(\Gamma+\frac{1}{n} (\Sigma-\Gamma)\right)^{-1}\Gamma.\]

Adjusting beliefs about the variance of a collection of exchangeable random vectors

We can apply the same methodology to learn about the population variance of a collection of exchangeable random quantities. In order to do so, we must make one additional assumption (namely that the \(\mathcal{R}_i(Y)^2\) are SOE in addition to \(\mathcal{R}_i(Y)\)), and we require specifications of our uncertainty about the variances expressed via fourth-order moments. Methods for choosing appropriate prior specifications are discussed in the next section.

Suppose that \(Y_1,Y_2,\dots\) is an infinite exchangeable sequence of scalars as above, where \(\text{E}[Y_i]=\mu\), \(\text{Var}[Y_i]=\sigma^2\), and \(\text{Cov}[Y_i,Y_j]=\gamma\). Then we have the standard second-order exchangeability representation

\(Y_i=\mathcal{M}(Y)+\mathcal{R}_i(Y)\), where the \(\mathcal{R}_1(Y),\mathcal{R}_2(Y),\dots\) are SOE with variance \(\text{Var}[\mathcal{R}_i(Y)]=\sigma^2-\gamma\). How we proceed from here depends on whether we can consider the population mean \(\mathcal{M}(Y)\) to be known or unknown.

\(\mathcal{M}(Y)\) known

In the case where the population mean, \(\mathcal{M}(Y)\), is known then there is no uncertainty surrounding the value of \(\mu\). In which case we can consider \(\text{Var}[\mathcal{M}(Y)]=\gamma=0\).

To learn about population variance using this methodology, we require an appropriate exchangeability representation for an appropriate quantity. Consider the \(V_i=[\mathcal{R}_i(Y)]^2=(Y_i-\mathcal{M}(Y))^2\) which are directly observable when \(\mathcal{M}(Y)\) is known. If we assume that this sequence of squared residuals \(V_1, V_2, \dots\) is also SOE, then we have the representation


where, as before, \(\mathcal{M}(V)\) is the population mean of the \(V_i=(Y_i-\mathcal{M}(Y))^2\) and is hence the population variance of the \(Y_i\). To learn about \(\mathcal{M}(V)\) (and hence to learn about the population variance of the \(Y_i\)) we require the following belief specifications:

  • \(\text{E}[\mathcal{M}(V)] = \omega_Y=\sigma^2\) – our expectation of the population variance of the \(Y_i\),
  • \(\text{Var}[\mathcal{M}(V)]=\omega_\mathcal{M}\) – our uncertainty associated with the population variance of \(Y_i\), which can be resolved by observation of additional data,
  • \(\text{Var}[\mathcal{R}_i(V)]=\omega_\mathcal{R}\) – irresolvable “residual uncertainty” in the \(V_i\),

and that the sequence of \(\mathcal{R}_i(V)\) are uncorrelated with zero mean. We can then use this representation and belief specification to apply the adjustment described above to revise our beliefs about the population variance \(\mathcal{M}(V)\). As the sample mean is sufficient for the adjustment of beliefs in these situations and is directly observable, we calculate and adjust by the sample mean of the \(V_i\)

\[\bar{V}_n=\bar{Y}_n^{(2)} = \sum_{i=1}^n (Y_i-\mathcal{M}(Y))^2.\]

We then evaluate our adjusted expectation and variance of the population variance to be

\[\begin{split}\text{E}_{\bar{V}_n}[\mathcal{M}(V)] &= \frac{\omega_\mathcal{M}\bar{V}_n + \frac{1}{n}\omega_\mathcal{R}\omega_Y}{\omega_\mathcal{M}+ \frac{1}{n}\omega_\mathcal{R}}, \\ \text{Var}_{\bar{V}_n}[\mathcal{M}(V)] &= \frac{\frac{1}{n}\omega_\mathcal{M}\omega_\mathcal{R}} {\omega_\mathcal{M}+\frac{1}{n}\omega_\mathcal{R}},\end{split}\]

where \(\text{E}_{\bar{V}_n}[\mathcal{M}(V)]\) represents our adjusted beliefs about the population variance of the \(Y_i\), and \(\text{Var}_{\bar{V}_n}[\mathcal{M}(V)]\) represents our remaining uncertainty.

\(\mathcal{M}(Y)\) unknown

Suppose we have an identical setup as before, only now the population mean of the \(Y_i\), \(\mathcal{M}(Y)\), is no longer known – ie \(\text{Var}[\mathcal{M}(Y)]=\gamma > 0\). Additionally, since the population mean is now uncertain the quantities \(V_i=(Y_i-\mathcal{M}(Y))^2\) are no longer directly observable so we can no longer calculate and adjust by \(\bar{V}_n\). Therefore, we must construct an alternative adjustment using appropriate combinations of observables which will be informative for the population variance. Suppose that we take a sample of size \(n\geq 2\), and that we calculate the sample variance, \(s^2\) in the usual way. We then obtain the following representation (see section 8.2 of Goldstein & Wooff for details):

\[s^2=\mathcal{M}(V)+ T.\]

We can then express our beliefs about \(s^2\) as:

  • \(\text{E}[s^2]=\omega_Y\),
  • \(\text{Var}[s^2]=\omega_\mathcal{M}+\omega_T\),
  • \(\text{Cov}[s^2,\mathcal{M}(V)]=\omega_\mathcal{M}\),
  • and \(\text{Var}[T]=\omega_T=\frac{1}{n}\omega_\mathcal{R}+ \frac{2}{n(n-1)}[\omega_\mathcal{M}+\omega_Y^2].\)

Thus the sample variance, \(s^2\), can be related directly to the population variance, \(\mathcal{M}(V)\), and so we can (in principle) use the directly-observable \(s^2\) to learn about the population variance. Before we can make the adjustment, we must make some additional assumptions that the residuals have certain fourth-order uncorrelated properties - namely that for \(k\neq j\neq i\), \(\mathcal{R}_j(Y)\mathcal{R}_k(Y)\) is uncorrelated with \(\mathcal{M}(Y)\) and \(\mathcal{R}_i(Y)\), and that for \(k > j,w > u\) that \(\mathcal{R}_k(Y)\mathcal{R}_j(Y)\) and \(\mathcal{R}_e(Y)\mathcal{R}_u(Y)\) are also uncorrelated. With these assumptions and specifications, the adjusted expectation and variance of the population variance given \(s^2\) are given by

\[\begin{split}\text{E}_{s^2}[\mathcal{M}(V)] &= \frac{\omega_\mathcal{M}s^2+\omega_T\omega_Y}{\omega_\mathcal{M}+\omega_T}, \\ \text{Var}_{s^2}[\mathcal{M}(V)] &= \frac{\omega_\mathcal{M}\omega_T}{\omega_\mathcal{M}+\omega_T}\end{split}\]

Choice of prior values

For the first- and second-order quantities \(\mu\), \(\Sigma\) and \(\Gamma\) in the case of the population mean update, and \(\omega_Y\) in the case of the population variance update we suggest relying on standard belief specification or elicitation techniques. These quantities are simply means, variances and covariances of observable quantities so obtaining appropriate prior values via direct specification or numerical investigation of related problems both provide relevant methods of assessment.

The quantities which are most challenging to specify beliefs about are the fourth-order quantities \(\omega_\mathcal{M}=\text{Var}[\mathcal{M}(V)]\), and \(\omega_\mathcal{R}=\text{Var}[\mathcal{R}(V)]\) required by the population variance update. Direct assessment or specification of these quantities is challenging, so we briefly describe an heuristic method for making such belief assessments.

Comparison to known distributions

Let us first consider \(\omega_\mathcal{R}=\text{Var}[\mathcal{R}(V)]\). This quantity represents our judgements about the shape of the distribution of the \(Y_i\). One method of assessment is therefore to relate \(\omega_\mathcal{R}\) to the kurtosis of that distribution, and then specify an appropriate value by comparison to the shape of other known distributions.

Suppose that we consider that the population variance acts as a scale parameter for the residuals \(\mathcal{R}_i(Y)\) such that \(\mathcal{R}_i(Y)=\sqrt{\mathcal{M}(V)}Z_i\), where the \(Z_i\) are independent standardised quantities with zero mean and unit variance which are independent of the value of \(\mathcal{M}(V)\). Then \(\mathcal{R}_i(V)=\mathcal{M}(V)(Z_i^2-1)\), and so \(\omega_\mathcal{R} = \text{Var}[\mathcal{R}_i(V)] = (\omega_\mathcal{M} + \omega_Y^2)\text{Var}[Z_i^2] = (\omega_\mathcal{M} + \omega_Y^2)(\kappa-1),\) where \(\kappa=\text{Kur}(Z_i)\) is the kurtosis of \(Z_i\). If we believe that the \(Z_i\) were Gaussian in distribution, this would suggest a value of \(\kappa=3\). Similarly, a Uniform distribution suggests \(\kappa=1.8\) and a t-distribution with unit variance and \(\nu\) degrees of freedom gives \(\kappa=3(\nu-1)/(\nu-4)\). In general, higher values for \(\kappa\) (and hence \(\omega_\mathcal{R}\)), increase the proportion of variance in \(\mathcal{M}(V)\) which cannot be resolved by observing data and so diminish the weight of the observations in update formula.

Proportion of variance resolved

Given a choice for \(\omega_\mathcal{R}\), we now must determine an appropriate value for \(\omega_\mathcal{M}\) to complete our belief specification. We briefly discuss two possible methods, the first arising from considerations of the effectiveness of the update. Let us write \(\omega_\mathcal{M}=c \omega_Y^2\) for some \(c > 0\), then the problem reduces to selection of a value of \(c\). We can try to assess \(c\) by considering the proportion of uncertainty remaining in the population variance after the update, which is given by

\[\frac{\text{Var}_{s^2}[\mathcal{M}(V)]} {\text{Var}[\mathcal{M}(V)]}=\frac{1}{1+\frac{n-1}{\phi}\frac{c}{c+1}}\]

which decreases monotonically as a function of \(c\), and where we define \(\phi\) as


which is fixed given \(n\) and \(\kappa\). We can then explore our attitudes to the implications of differing sample sizes; for example, small values of \(c\) would suggest that any sample information will rapidly reduce our remaining variance as a proportion of the prior.

Equivalent sample size

An alternative approach for specifying \(\omega_\mathcal{M}\) is to make a direct judgement on the worth of the prior information via the notion of equivalent sample size. We can express the adjusted expectation of the population variance as

\[\text{E}_{s^2}[\mathcal{M}(V)]=\alpha s^2 + (1-\alpha) \text{E}[\mathcal{M}(V)],\]



Suppose that we consider that the prior information we have about the population variance is worth a notional sample size of \(m\), and that we collect observations of a sample of size \(n\). In which case, it would be reasonable to adjust our beliefs with a weighting given by


By examining our beliefs about the relative merits of the prior and sample information we can make an assessment for an appropriate value of \(\omega_\mathcal{M}\). In fact, this method of specification is equivalent to the alternative method discussed above.


  • Goldstein, M. and Wooff, D. A. (2007), Bayes Linear Statistics: Theory and Methods, Wiley.