Discussion: Computational issues in building a Gaussian process emulator for the core problem

Description and Background

The procedure for building a Gaussian process emulator for the core problem is described in page ProcBuildCoreGP. However, computational problems can arise in implementing that procedure, and these problems are discussed here.

Inversion of the correlation matrix of the training sample

Problems arise primarily in the computation of the inverse, \(A^{-1} \equiv c(D,D)^{-1}\), of the correlation matrix of the training sample data. This can happen with any form of correlation function when the training sample is large or when the correlation function exhibits a high degree of smoothness (e.g. large values of correlation length parameters) relative to the size of the design region. It is particularly problematic for highly regular correlation functions (such as the Gaussian form).

Non invertibility of the correlation matrix can imply that two or more points are so close in the input space, that offer little or no information to the emulator. A way of sidestepping this problem is to identify these points using the pivoted Cholesky decomposition. The result of this decomposition are two matrices, \(R\), which is an upper triangular containing the Cholesky coefficients, and \(P\), which is a permutation matrix. For example if

\[\begin{split}A = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} 1&0.1&0.2 \\ 0.1&3&0.3 \\ 0.2&0.3&2\end{array} \right]\end{split}\]


\[\begin{split}R = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} 1.73&0.17&0.06 \\ 0&1.40&0.14 \\ 0&0&0.99\end{array} \right]\end{split}\]


\[\begin{split}P = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} 0&0&1 \\ 1&0&0 \\ 0&1&0\end{array} \right] \, {\rm or} \, piv = [2, 3, 1]\end{split}\]

Of interest here is the permutation matrix \(P\). The row number of the ‘1’ in the first column, shows the position of the element with the larger variance (in this example it is the second element). Similarly, the row number of the ‘1’ in the second column shows the position of the element with the largest variance, conditioned on the first element, and so forth. If the matrix \(A\) is non invertible, and therefore, non positive definite, the \(k\) last elements in the main diagonal of \(R\) will be zero, or very small. If this is the case, the design points that correspond to the row number where the ones appear in the last \(k\) columns of matrix \(P\) can be excluded from the design matrix, and the emulator can be built using the remaining points, without losing information in principle.

Matrix inversion using the Cholesky decomposition

The parameter estimation and prediction formulae presented in ProcBuildCoreGP contain a fair amount of matrix inversions. Although these can be calculated with general purpose inversion algorithms, there are more efficient ways of carrying out the inversion, by taking into account the special structure of these matrices; that is, by taking into account that the matrices or matrix expressions that need to be inverted are positive definite.

The majority of the matrix inverses come in two forms: a left inverse matrix multiplication (i.e. \(A^{-1}f(D)\)) and a quadratic term of the form \(H^{\rm{T}}A^{-1}H\). Both of these forms can be efficiently calculated using the Cholesky decomposition and the left matrix division. We consider the Cholesky decomposition of a matrix to the product of a lower triangular matrix \(L\) and its transpose, i.e.

\[A = LL^{\rm T}\]

The left matrix division, which we denote with backslash \((\backslash)\), represents the solution to a linear system of equations; that is if \(Ax = y\), then \(x = A\backslash y\). Furthermore, the fact that the Cholesky decomposition results in triangular matrices, means that we can calculate expressions of the form \(L\backslash y\) using backsubstitution, taking advantage of its efficiency.

Using the left matrix division and the Cholesky decomposition, expressions of the form \(A^{-1} f(D)\) can be calculated as

\[A^{-1} f(D) \equiv L^{\rm T}\backslash (L\backslash f(D))\]

On the other hand, quadratic expressions of the form \(H^{\rm{T}}A^{-1}H\) can be calculated using an intermediate vector \(w\), as

\[w = L\backslash H, \qquad H^{\rm{T}}A^{-1}H \equiv w^{\rm T}w\]

The Cholesky decomposition is also useful in the calculation of logarithms of derivatives, yielding more numerically stable results. The logarithm of the derivative of \(A\), which appears in various likelihood expressions, is best calculated using the identity

\[\ln|A| \equiv 2\sum \ln(L_{ii})\]

with \(L_{ii}\) being the i-th element on the main diagonal of \(L\).


As an example, we show how the expression for \(\hat{\beta}\) can be calculated, using the Cholesky decomposition. The original expression is

\[\hat{\beta} = (H^{\rm T}A^{-1}H)^{-1}H^{\rm T}A^{-1}f(D)\]

This can be calculated with the following five steps

  • \(L = chol(A)\)
  • \(w = L\backslash H\)
  • \(Q = w^{\rm T} w \quad (=H^{\rm T}A^{-1}H)\)
  • \(K = chol(Q)\)
  • \(\hat{\beta} = K^{\rm T}\backslash (K\backslash H^{\rm T})(L^{\rm T}\backslash(L\backslash f(D)))\)

Even though this implementation might be more cumbersome, it is numerically more stable compared to an implementation that uses general purpose matrix inversion routines.

High input dimensionality

Problems may also arise through having a large number of parameters to estimate. When the number of simulator inputs is large, there are many elements in the correlation function’s hyperparameter vector \(\delta\), and it can be computationally very demanding then to find a suitable single estimate or to compute a sample using Markov chain Monte Carlo. Experience suggests that in practice in a complex simulator with many inputs many of those inputs will be more or less redundant, having negligible influence on the output in the practical context of interest. Thus it is important to be able to apply a preliminary screening process to reduce the input dimension - see the screening topic thread (ThreadTopicScreening).

Additional Comments

Techniques for addressing these problems are being developed within MUCM, and will be incorporated in this page in due course.