Discussion: Sensitivity analysis in the toolkit

Description and background

This page is part of the topic thread on sensitivity analysis (SA). The basic ideas of SA are introduced in the topic thread on sensitivity analysis (ThreadTopicSensitivityAnalysis), where the various uses of SA are outlined. In the MUCM toolkit, the favoured method of SA is probabilistic SA, see the discussion page DiscWhyProbabilisticSA. Measures of sensitivity for two particular forms of probabilistic SA are developed in the discussion pages on Variance based SA (DiscVarianceBasedSA) and decision based SA (DiscDecisionBasedSA). Practical issues concerning the usage of these methods are discussed in the sensitivity analysis measures for simplification page (DiscSensitivityAndSimplification), the sensitivity measures for output uncertainty page (DiscSensitivityAndOutputUncertainty) and the sensitivity measures for decision uncertainty page (DiscSensitivityAndDecision). Here we consider how SA is dealt with in the toolkit, and provide links to relevant pages within the main toolkit threads.

The MUCM toolkit is primarily concerned with methods to understand and manage uncertainty in the outputs of a simulator through building an emulator. The key advantage of this approach is computational. Simulators are often very large computer programs requiring substantial computer power and time to run. Consequently, the number of times that the simulator can be run is typically small, and this makes it difficult to carry out various kinds of tasks that we might wish to perform using the simulator. The MUCM approach consists basically of first using a relatively small number of runs to build the emulator, and then using the emulator (rather than the simulator itself) to carry out the desired task.

SA is a very good example of a task that can be tackled more efficiently using emulators. The various SA measures presented in DiscVarianceBasedSA or DiscDecisionBasedSA all involve integration of the simulator output with respect to uncertainty in one or more of the inputs. In order to compute such integrals exactly, we must effectively run the simulator at every possible value of the uncertain inputs, which (in theory at least) requires an infinite number of runs. Any attempt to compute such an integral in practice is therefore subject to computational error. A widely used method is Monte Carlo, in which a random sample of values are drawn for the uncertain inputs, and the simulator is run for each of the sampled input sets. To make the sampling error in the resulting estimates of SA measures appropriately small will typically require thousands of simulator runs (and fresh samples are usually required to compute each SA measure of interest). Using emulators, the number of runs required for comparable levels of computational accuracy may be orders of magnitude smaller.

The discussion here is in two parts. First we consider how the additional uncertainty due to emulation (known as code uncertainty) interacts with the measures of sensitivity. The second part points to where specific methods for SA computations are presented in the toolkit’s main threads (i.e. the core, variant and generic threads; see MetaToolkitStructure).


Code uncertainty


Computation of any SA measure, such as the sensitivity index \(V_j\) for input \(x_j\), using emulator techniques is subject to code uncertainty. The emulator is an expression of our knowledge or beliefs about a simulator’s output \(f(x)\) based on a training sample of simulator runs. In the fully Bayesian form of emulator based on a Gaussian process (GP), the emulator is a posterior distribution for \(f(x)\). A Bayes linear (BL) emulator provides instead the adjusted mean and variance for \(f(x)\) based on the training sample. The posterior distribution or adjusted mean and variance represent uncertainty about \(f(x)\) due to emulation, called code uncertainty.

Consequently, any computation of SA measures is subject also to code uncertainty; expressed as a posterior distribution in the case of GP emulation or adjusted mean and variance for BL emulation. The posterior mean or adjusted mean, denoted by \(\mathrm{E}^*\), is the computed value or estimate of the measure, and the posterior variance or adjusted variance, denoted by \(\mathrm{Var}^*\), characterises the degree of code uncertainty about its value.

For example, \(\mathrm{E}^*[V_j]\) is the computed value or estimate of the sensitivity index \(V_j\), with code uncertainty quantified by \(\mathrm{Var}^*[V_j]\).

Code uncertainty in variance-based SA

In both probabilistic SA and uncertainty analysis (UA) the focus is on uncertainty that is induced by uncertainty about simulator inputs, and the question arises as to whether code uncertainty should be combined in some way with input uncertainty. If we first consider UA, then as described in DiscSensitivityAndOutputUncertainty the uncertainty variance \(V=\mathrm{Var}[f(X)]\) expresses overall uncertainty about the simulator output \(f(X)\) when there is uncertainty about the inputs (in which case we conventionally use the capital letter \(X\) to rerpresent a random variable). Similarly, \(M=\mathrm{E}[f(X)]\) is generally thought of as the best estimate of \(f(X)\) in the presence of input uncertainty. But uncertainty about the simulator output is not confined to uncertainty about \(X\); we are also uncertain about the simulator itself, \(f(\cdot)\), and this uncertainty is code uncertainty.

In the presence of both input and code uncertainty, we would estimate \(f(x)\) by

\[M^* = \mathrm{E}^*[M],\]

with overall uncertainty comprising

\[V^* = \mathrm{E}^*[V] + \mathrm{Var}^*[M].\]

So in addition to the posterior estimated or computed value of \(V\) we also have code uncertainty about \(M\).

In variance based SA, set out in DiscVarianceBasedSA, we consider what part of the overall output uncertainty \(V\) is attributable to a single input \(x_j\) or a group of inputs \(x_J\). Should code uncertainty also be a part of these computations? In particular, should variance based SA analyse how much of \(V^*\) (rather than \(V\)) is attributable to \(x_j\) or \(x_J\)?

The answer basically is that learning about the uncertain inputs does not affect code uncertainty. No matter how much and in what way we reduce uncertainty about \(X\), the code uncertainty \(\mathrm{Var}^*[M]\) will always be a component of the overall uncertainty about \(f(x)\). The computed sensitivity variances \(\mathrm{E}^*[V_J]\) or interaction variances \(\mathrm{E}^*[V^I_J]\) quantify reductions in the uncertainty of \(f(x)\), whether we think of this as being just the computed input uncertainty variance \(\mathrm{E}^*[V]\) or the overall variance \(V^*\).

In the case of independent inputs, the computed main effect and interaction variances, \(\mathrm{E}^*[V_j]\) and \(\mathrm{E}^*[V^I_J]\), provide a partition of \(\mathrm{E}^*[V]\) in exactly the way described in the discussion page on the theory of variance based SA (DiscVarianceBasedSATheory), while \(V^*\) is partitioned by these terms plus the code uncertainty \(\mathrm{Var}^*[M]\). We can define a sensitivity index for \(x_J\) as \(\mathrm{E}^*[V_J]/\mathrm{E}^*[V]\) or allowing for code uncertainty as \(\mathrm{E}^*[V_J]/V^*\). In the latter case, code uncertainty has its own index \(\mathrm{Var}^*[M]/V^*\).

Code uncertainty in decision-based SA

The situation in decision-based SA is potentially more complex because code uncertainty is not just a fixed addition to the computed values of the measures presented in DiscDecisionBasedSA. We can contrast, on the one hand, decision making in the presence of code uncertainty with, on the other hand, code uncertainty about a decision.

If we simply consider the code uncertainty as part of the overall uncertainty about the simulator outputs, along with that induced by input uncertainty, then we define the expected utility to be the expectation with respect to both code uncertainty and input uncertainty, and so define

\[\bar{L}^*(d) = {\rm E}^*[\bar{L}(d)],\]

and the optimal decision \(\strut M^*\) minimises this expected loss. With analogous definitions of \(\bar{L}_J^*(d,x_J)\) and \(M_J^*(x_J)\) when we learn the value of \(x_J\), we can define the expected value of information

\[V_J^* = \bar{L}^*(M^*) - {\rm E}[\bar{L}_J^*(M_J^*(X_J),X_J)].\]

However, this analysis is for decision making in the presence of code uncertainty. It implicity supposes that we learn about \(x_J\) without learning any more about the simulator, i.e. it is a value of information for reducing input uncertainty without reducing code uncertainty. If we are computing value of information measures for the purpose of prioritising research then it would be right to ignore any additional code uncertainty, because the computational cost of making enough simulator runs to render code uncertainty negligible will typically be much less than any research cost to reduce input uncertainty.

In this context, we are concerned with code uncertainty about a decision. First define the expected value of eliminating code uncertainty as

\[V^* = \bar{L}^*(M^*) -{\rm E}^*[\bar{L}(M)].\]

Then the expected value of information from learning the value of \(X_J\) becomes simply \({\rm E}^*[V_J]\). If we can also calculate \({\rm Var}^*[V_J]\) then this will quantify code uncertainty about that value of information.

SA in toolkit threads

The core, variant and generic threads in the toolkit are designed to take the reader through the process of building an emulator and then through to using it for various standard tasks, one of which is SA. So in principle procedures for carrying out SA should feature in each of these threads. In practice, not all of them yet have detailed SA procedures, although in due course it is the intention for all to do so.

  • In the core thread for GP emulators, ThreadCoreGP, there are detailed procedures for variance based SA in ProcVarSAGP.
  • In the core thread for BL emulators, ThreadCoreBL refers also to ProcVarSAGP. In Bayes linear theory it is more usual to express knowledge about uncertain quantities by means, variances and covariances, rather than complete distributions. So although the use of a full probability distribution \(\omega(x)\) for the inputs, which is needed for probabilistic SA, is legitimate within BL theory (and allows ProcVarSAGP to be used) it does not fit so comfortably in the BL thread.
  • In the variant thread dealing with multiple outputs, ThreadVariantMultipleOutputs, there are as yet no detailed SA procedures.
  • In the variant thread dealing with dynamic emulators, ThreadVariantDynamic, there are as yet no detailed SA procedures.
  • In the variant thread dealing with two-level emulation, ThreadVariantTwoLevelEmulation, the emphasis is on using many runs of a cheap simulator to construct prior information. The result is an emulator built according to the core GP or BL methods, so that the relevant details are given again in ProcVarSAGP.
  • In the variant thread dealing with using observed derivatives, ThreadVariantWithDerivatives, there are as yet no detailed procedures for SA.
  • In the generic thread dealing with emulating derivatives, ThreadGenericEmulateDerivatives, it is remarked that derivatives are used for local SA (see DiscWhyProbabilisticSA).
  • In the generic thread dealing with combining multiple emulators, ThreadGenericMultipleEmulators, there are as yet no detailed procedures for SA.

Additional comments

Although none of the threads has any procedures for decision based SA, it is hoped to address this topic in some threads in future.