The GaussianProcess Class

Implementation of a Gaussian Process Emulator.

This class provides an interface to fit a Gaussian Process Emulator to a set of training data. The class can be initialized from either a pair of inputs/targets arrays, or a file holding data saved from a previous emulator instance (saved via the save_emulator method). Once the emulator has been created, the class provides methods for fitting optimal hyperparameters, changing hyperparameter values, making predictions, and other calculations associated with fitting and making predictions.

The internal emulator structure involves arrays for the inputs, targets, and hyperparameters. Other useful information are the number of training examples n and the number of input parameters D. These parameters are available externally through the get_n and get_D methods


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mogp_emulator import GaussianProcess
>>> x = np.array([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]])
>>> y = np.array([4., 6.])
>>> gp = GaussianProcess(x, y)
>>> print(gp)
Gaussian Process with 2 training examples and 3 input variables
>>> gp.get_n()
>>> gp.get_D()
>>> np.random.seed(47)
>>> gp.learn_hyperparameters()
(5.140462159403397, array([-13.02460687,  -4.02939647, -39.2203646 ,   3.25809653]))
>>> x_predict = np.array([[2., 3., 4.], [7., 8., 9.]])
>>> gp.predict(x_predict)
(array([4.74687618, 6.84934016]), array([0.01639298, 1.05374973]),
array([[8.91363045e-05, 7.18827798e-01, 3.74439445e-16],
       [4.64005897e-06, 3.74191346e-02, 1.94917337e-17]]))
class mogp_emulator.GaussianProcess.GaussianProcess(*args)

Implementation of a Gaussian Process Emulator.

This class provides an interface to fit a Gaussian Process Emulator to a set of training data. The class can be initialized from either a pair of inputs/targets arrays, or a file holding data saved from a previous emulator instance (saved via the save_emulator method). Once the emulator has been created, the class provides methods for fitting optimal hyperparameters, changing hyperparameter values, making predictions, and other calculations associated with fitting and making predictions.

The internal emulator structure involves arrays for the inputs, targets, and hyperparameters. Other useful information are the number of training examples n and the number of input parameters D. These parameters are available externally through the get_n and get_D methods


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mogp_emulator import GaussianProcess
>>> x = np.array([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]])
>>> y = np.array([4., 6.])
>>> gp = GaussianProcess(x, y)
>>> print(gp)
Gaussian Process with 2 training examples and 3 input variables
>>> gp.get_n()
>>> gp.get_D()
>>> np.random.seed(47)
>>> gp.learn_hyperparameters()
(5.140462159403397, array([-13.02460687,  -4.02939647, -39.2203646 ,   3.25809653]))
>>> x_predict = np.array([[2., 3., 4.], [7., 8., 9.]])
>>> gp.predict(x_predict)
(array([4.74687618, 6.84934016]), array([0.01639298, 1.05374973]),
array([[8.91363045e-05, 7.18827798e-01, 3.74439445e-16],
       [4.64005897e-06, 3.74191346e-02, 1.94917337e-17]]))

Create a new GP Emulator

Creates a new GP Emulator from either the input data and targets to be fit or a file holding the input/targets and (optionally) learned parameter values.

Arguments passed to the __init__ method must be either two arguments which are numpy arrays inputs and targets, described below, three arguments which are the same inputs and targets arrays plus a float representing the nugget parameter, or a single argument which is the filename (string or file handle) of a previously saved emulator.

inputs is a 2D array-like object holding the input data, whose shape is n by D, where n is the number of training examples to be fit and D is the number of input variables to each simulation.

targets is the target data to be fit by the emulator, also held in an array-like object. This must be a 1D array of length n.

nugget is the additional noise added to the emulator targets when fitting. This can take on values None (in which case, noise will be added adaptively to stabilize fitting), or a non-negative float (in which case, a fixed noise level will be used). If no value is specified for the nugget parameter, None is the default.

If two or three input arguments inputs, targets, and optionally nugget are given:

  • inputs (ndarray) – Numpy array holding emulator input parameters. Must be 2D with shape n by D, where n is the number of training examples and D is the number of input parameters for each output.
  • targets (ndarray) – Numpy array holding emulator targets. Must be 1D with length n
  • nugget – Noise to be added to the diagonal or None. A float specifies the noise level explicitly, while if None is given, the noise will set to be as small as possible to ensure stable inversion of the covariance matrix. Optional, default is None.

If one input argument emulator_file is given:

Parameters:emulator_file (str or file) – Filename or file object for saved emulator parameters (using the save_emulator method)
Returns:New GaussianProcess instance
Return type:GaussianProcess

Returns number of inputs for the emulator

Returns:Number of inputs for the emulator object
Return type:int

Returns number of training examples for the emulator

Returns:Number of training examples for the emulator object
Return type:int

Returns emulator nugget parameter

Returns current value of the nugget parameter. If the nugget is selected adaptively, returns None.

Returns:Current nugget value, either a float or None
Return type:float or None

Returns emulator parameters

Returns current parameters for the emulator as a numpy array if they have been fit. If no parameters have been fit, returns None.

Returns:Current parameter values (numpy array of length D + 1), or None if the parameters have not been fit.
Return type:ndarray or None

Calculate the Hessian of the negative log-likelihood

Calculate the Hessian of the negative log-likelihood with respect to the hyperparameters. Note that this function is normally used only when fitting the hyperparameters, and it is not needed to make predictions. It is also used to estimate an appropriate step size when fitting hyperparameters using the lognormal approximation or MCMC sampling.

When used in an optimization routine, the hessian method is called after evaluating the loglikelihood method. The implementation takes advantage of this by storing the inverse of the covariance matrix, which is expensive to compute and is used by the loglikelihood and partial_devs methods as well. If the function is evaluated with a different set of parameters than was previously used to set the log-likelihood, the method calls _set_params to compute the needed information. However, caling hessian does not evaluate the log-likelihood, so it does not change the cached values of the parameters or log-likelihood.

Parameters:theta (ndarray) – Value of the hyperparameters. Must be array-like with shape (D + 1,)
Returns:Hessian of the negative log-likelihood (array with shape (D + 1, D + 1))
Return type:ndarray
learn_hyperparameters(n_tries=15, theta0=None, method='L-BFGS-B', **kwargs)

Fit hyperparameters by attempting to minimize the negative log-likelihood

Fits the hyperparameters by attempting to minimize the negative log-likelihood multiple times from a given starting location and using a particular minimization method. The best result found among all of the attempts is returned, unless all attempts to fit the parameters result in an error (see below).

If the method encounters an overflow (this can result because the parameter values stored are the logarithm of the actual hyperparameters to enforce positivity) or a linear algebra error (occurs when the covariance matrix cannot be inverted, even with the addition of additional noise added along the diagonal if adaptive noise was selected by setting the nugget parameter to be None), the iteration is skipped. If all attempts to find optimal hyperparameters result in an error, then the method raises an exception.

The theta0 parameter is the point at which the first iteration will start. If more than one attempt is made, subsequent attempts will use random starting points.

The user can specify the details of the minimization method, using any of the gradient-based optimizers available in scipy.optimize.minimize. Any additional parameters beyond the method specification can be passed as keyword arguments.

The method returns the minimum negative log-likelihood found and the parameter values at which that minimum was obtained. The method also sets the current values of the hyperparameters to these optimal values and pre-computes the matrices needed to make predictions.

  • n_tries (int) – Number of attempts to minimize the negative log-likelihood function. Must be a positive integer (optional, default is 15)
  • theta0 (None or ndarray) – Initial starting point for the first iteration. If present, must be array-like with shape (D + 1,). If None is given, then a random value is chosen. (Default is None)
  • method (str) – Minimization method to be used. Can be any gradient-based optimization method available in scipy.optimize.minimize. (Default is 'L-BFGS-B')
  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the minimization routine. see available parameters in scipy.optimize.minimize for details.

Minimum negative log-likelihood values and hyperparameters (numpy array with shape (D + 1,)) used to obtain those values. The method also sets the current values of the hyperparameters to these optimal values and pre-computes the matrices needed to make predictions.

Return type:

tuple containing a float and an ndarray


Calculate the negative log-likelihood at a particular value of the hyperparameters

Calculate the negative log-likelihood for the given set of parameters. Calling this method sets the parameter values and computes the needed inverse matrices in order to evaluate the log-likelihood and its derivatives. In addition to returning the log-likelihood value, it stores the current value of the hyperparameters and log-likelihood in attributes of the object.

Parameters:theta (ndarray) – Value of the hyperparameters. Must be array-like with shape (D + 1,)
Returns:negative log-likelihood
Return type:float

Calculate the partial derivatives of the negative log-likelihood

Calculate the partial derivatives of the negative log-likelihood with respect to the hyperparameters. Note that this function is normally used only when fitting the hyperparameters, and it is not needed to make predictions.

During normal use, the partial_devs method is called after evaluating the loglikelihood method. The implementation takes advantage of this by storing the inverse of the covariance matrix, which is expensive to compute and is used by the loglikelihood, partial_devs, and hessian methods. If the function is evaluated with a different set of parameters than was previously used to set the log-likelihood, the method calls _set_params to compute the needed information. However, caling partial_devs does not evaluate the log-likelihood, so it does not change the cached values of the parameters or log-likelihood.

Parameters:theta (ndarray) – Value of the hyperparameters. Must be array-like with shape (D + 1,)
Returns:partial derivatives of the negative log-likelihood (array with shape (D + 1,))
Return type:ndarray
predict(testing, do_deriv=True, do_unc=True)

Make a prediction for a set of input vectors

Makes predictions for the emulator on a given set of input vectors. The input vectors must be passed as a (n_predict, D) or (D,) shaped array-like object, where n_predict is the number of different prediction points under consideration and D is the number of inputs to the emulator. If the prediction inputs array has shape (D,), then the method assumes n_predict == 1. The prediction is returned as an (n_predict, ) shaped numpy array as the first return value from the method.

Optionally, the emulator can also calculate the uncertainties in the predictions and the derivatives with respect to each input parameter. If the uncertainties are computed, they are returned as the second output from the method as an (n_predict,) shaped numpy array. If the derivatives are computed, they are returned as the third output from the method as an (n_predict, D) shaped numpy array.

As with the fitting, this computation can be done independently for each emulator and thus can be done in parallel.

  • testing (ndarray) – Array-like object holding the points where predictions will be made. Must have shape (n_predict, D) or (D,) (for a single prediction)
  • do_deriv (bool) – (optional) Flag indicating if the derivatives are to be computed. If False the method returns None in place of the derivative array. Default value is True.
  • do_unc (bool) – (optional) Flag indicating if the uncertainties are to be computed. If False the method returns None in place of the uncertainty array. Default value is True.
  • processes (int or None) – (optional) Number of processes to use when making the predictions. Must be a positive integer or None to use the number of processors on the computer (default is None)

Tuple of numpy arrays holding the predictions, uncertainties, and derivatives, respectively. Predictions and uncertainties have shape (n_predict,) while the derivatives have shape (n_predict, D). If the do_unc or do_deriv flags are set to False, then those arrays are replaced by None.

Return type:



Write emulators to disk

Method saves the emulator to disk using the given filename or file handle. The method writes the inputs and targets arrays to file. If the model has been assigned parameters, either manually or by fitting, those parameters are saved as well. Once saved, the emulator can be read by passing the file name or handle to the one-argument __init__ method.

Parameters:filename (str or file) – Name of file (or file handle) to which the emulator will be saved.

Set the nugget parameter for the emulator

Method for changing the nugget parameter for the emulator. When a new emulator is initilized, this is set to None.

The nugget parameter controls how noise is added to the covariance matrix in order to stabilize the inversion or smooth the emulator predictions. If nugget is a non-negative float, then that particular value is used for the nugget. Note that setting this parameter to be zero enforces that the emulator strictly interpolates between points. Alternatively, if nugget is set to be None, the fitting routine will adaptively make the noise parameter as large as is needed to ensure that the emulator can be fit.

Parameters:nugget (None or float) – Controls how noise is added to the emulator. If nugget is a nonnegative float, then this manually sets the noise parameter (if negative, this will lead to an error), with nugget = 0 resulting in interpolation with no smoothing noise added. nugget = None will adaptively select the smallest value of the noise term that still leads to a stable inversion of the matrix. Default behavior is nugget = None.
Return type:None