The ExperimentalDesign Class

Base class representing a generic one-shot design of experiments with uncorrelated parameters

This class provides the base implementation for a class for designing experiments to sample the parameter space of a complex model. The parameter space can be specified in a variety of ways, but essentially the user must provide a Probability Point Function (PPF, or inverse of the Cumulative Distribution Function) for each input parameter. Each PPF function takes a single numeric input and maps from the interval \([0,1]\) to the desired parameter distribution value for a given parameter, and each parameter has a separate function describing its distribution. Note that this makes the assumption of no correlations between any of the parameter values (a future version may implement an experimental design where there are such parameter correlations). Once the design is initialized, a desired number of samples can be drawn from the design, returning an array holding the desired number of samples from the parameter space.

Internally, the class holds the set of PPFs for all of the parameter values, and samples are drawn by calling the sample method. To draw the samples, a specific method _draw_samples must be defined that generates a series of points in the \([0,1]^n\) hypercube, where \(n\) is the number of paramters. This set of samples from the hypercube is then mapped to the parameter space using the given PPF functions. Thus, defining a new design protocol only requires defining a new _draw_samples method and redefining the __init__ method to set the internal method attribute. By default, no _draw_samples method is defined, so the base ExperimentalDesign class is only intended to be used to define new protocols (trying to sample from an ExperimentalDesign instance will return a NotImplementedError).

class mogp_emulator.ExperimentalDesign.ExperimentalDesign(*args)

Base class representing a generic one-shot design of experiments with uncorrelated parameters

This class provides the base implementation for a class for designing experiments to sample the parameter space of a complex model. The parameter space can be specified in a variety of ways, but essentially the user must provide a Probability Point Function (PPF, or inverse of the Cumulative Distribution Function) for each input parameter. Each PPF function takes a single numeric input and maps from the interval \([0,1]\) to the desired parameter distribution value for a given parameter, and each parameter has a separate function describing its distribution. Note that this makes the assumption of no correlations between any of the parameter values (a future version may implement an experimental design where there are such parameter correlations). Once the design is initialized, a desired number of samples can be drawn from the design, returning an array holding the desired number of samples from the parameter space.

Internally, the class holds the set of PPFs for all of the parameter values, and samples are drawn by calling the sample method. To draw the samples, a specific method _draw_samples must be defined that generates a series of points in the \([0,1]^n\) hypercube, where \(n\) is the number of paramters. This set of samples from the hypercube is then mapped to the parameter space using the given PPF functions. Thus, defining a new design protocol only requires defining a new _draw_samples method and redefining the __init__ method to set the internal method attribute. By default, no _draw_samples method is defined, so the base ExperimentalDesign class is only intended to be used to define new protocols (trying to sample from an ExperimentalDesign instance will return a NotImplementedError).


Create a new instance of an experimental design

Creates a new instance of a design of experiments, which draws samples from the parameter space of a complex model. It is often used to generate data for a Gaussian Process emulator to fit the outputs of the complex model. This is a base class that does not implement the method for sampling from the distribution; to use an experimental design in practice you should use one of the derived classes provided or create your own.

The experimental design can be initialized in several ways depending on the arguments provided, ranging from the simplest to the most complicated.

  1. Provide an integer n indicating the number of input parameters. If this is used to create an instance, it is assumed that all parameters are unformly distributed over the \(n\)-dimensional hypercube.
  2. Provide an integer n and a tuple (a, b) of length 2 containing two numeric values (where \(a < b\)). In this case, all parameters are assumed to be uniformly distributed over the interval \([a,b]\).
  3. Provide an integer n and a function that takes a single numeric input in the interval \([0,1]\) and maps it to the parameter space. In this case, all parameters are assumed to follow the provided Probability Point Function.
  4. Provide a list of tuples of length 2 containing numeric values (as above, the first number must smaller than the second number). The design then assumes that the number of parameters is the length of the list, and each parameter follows a uniform distribution with the bounds given by the respective tuple in the given list.
  5. Provide a list of functions taking a single input (as above, each function must map the interval \([0,1]\) to the parameter space). The number of parameters in the design is the length of the list, and the given PPF functions define the parameter space for each input.

More concretely, if one input parameter is given, you may initilize the class in any of the following ways:

Parameters:n_parameters (int) – Integer specifying the number of parameters (must be positive). The design will sample each parameter over the interval \([0,1]\)


Parameters:bounds_list (list) – List of tuples containing two numeric values, each of which has the smaller number first. Each parameter then takes a uniform distribution with bounds given by each tuple.


Parameters:ppf_list (list) – List of functions or other callable, each of which accepts one argument and maps the interval \([0,1]\) to the parameter space. Each parameter follows the distribution given by the respective PPF function.

and if two input parameters are given:

  • n_parameters (int) – Integer specifying the number of parameters (must be positive). The design will sample each parameter over the interval \([0,1]\)
  • bounds (tuple) – Tuple or other iterable containing two numeric values, where the smaller number must come first. Each parameter then takes a uniform distribution with bounds given by the numbers provided in the tuple.


  • n_parameters (int) – Integer specifying the number of parameters (must be positive). The design will sample each parameter over the interval \([0,1]\)
  • ppf (function) – Function or other callable, which accepts one argument and maps the interval \([0,1]\) to the parameter space. Each parameter follows the distribution given by the PPF function.

The scipy.stats package provides implementations of a wide range of distributions, with pre-defined PPF functions. See the Scipy user manual for more details. Note that in order to get a compatible PPF function that only takes a single input, you will need to set any parameters needed to define the distribution.

Internally, the class defines any PPF functions based on the input data and collects all of the PPF functions in a list. The class also contains information on the method used to draw samples from the design.

To create a usable implementation based on this class, the user must define the method _draw_samples, which takes a positive integer input n_samples and draws n_samples from the \([0,1]^n\) hypercube, where \(n\) is the number of parameters. The user must also modify the method attribute of the design in order to have the __str__ method work correctly. All other functionality should not require any changes from the base class.


Returns the method used to draw samples from the design

This method returns the method used to draw samples from the experimental design. The base class does not implement a method, so if you try to call this on the base class the code will raise a NotImplementedError. When deriving new designs from the base class, the method should be set when calling the __init__ method.

Returns:Method used to draw samples from the design.
Return type:str

Returns number of parameters in the experimental design

This method returns the number of parameters in the experimental design. This is set when initializing the object, an cannot be modified.

Returns:Number of parameters in the experimental design.
Return type:int

Draw parameter samples from the experimental design

This method implements drawing parameter samples from the experimental design. The method does this by calling the _draw_samples method to obtain samples from the \([0,1]^n\) hypercube, where \(n\) is the number of parameters. The sample``method then transforms these samples drawn from the low level method to the actual parameter values using the PPF functions provided when initilizing the object. Note that this method also checks that all parameter values are finite; if any ``NaN values are returned, an error will be raised.

Note that by implementing the sampling in this way, modifications to the method to draw samples using a different protocol only needs to change the _draw_samples method. This makes it simpler to define new designs, as only a single method needs to be altered.

Parameters:n_samples (int) – Number of samples to be drawn from the design (must be a positive integer)
Returns:Samples drawn from the design parameter space as a numpy array with shape (n_samples, n_parameters)
Return type:ndarray

The MonteCarloDesign Class

Class representing a one-shot design of experiments with uncorrelated parameters using Monte Carlo Sampling

This class provides an implementation for a class for designing experiments to sample the parameter space of a complex model using random Monte Carlo sampling. The parameter space can be specified in a variety of ways, but essentially the user must provide a Probability Point Function (PPF, or inverse of the Cumulative Distribution Function) for each input parameter. Each PPF function takes a single numeric input and maps from the interval \([0,1]\) to the desired parameter distribution value for a given parameter, and each parameter has a separate function describing its distribution. Note that this makes the assumption of no correlations between any of the parameter values (a future version may implement an experimental design where there are such parameter correlations). Once the design is initialized, a desired number of samples can be drawn from the design, returning an array holding the desired number of samples from the parameter space.

Internally, the class holds the set of PPFs for all of the parameter values, and samples are drawn by calling the sample method. To draw the samples, the _draw_samples is used to generate a series of points in the \([0,1]^n\) hypercube using random Monte Carlo sampling, where \(n\) is the number of paramters. This set of samples from the hypercube is then mapped to the parameter space using the given PPF functions.

This design does not attempt to uniformly sample the space, but rather just makes random draws from the parameter distributions. For this reason, small designs using this method may not sample the parameter space very efficiently. However, generating a large number of samples using this protocol can be done very efficiently, as drawing a sample only requires generating a series of pseduorandom numbers.

class mogp_emulator.ExperimentalDesign.MonteCarloDesign(*args)

Class representing a one-shot design of experiments with uncorrelated parameters using Monte Carlo Sampling

This class provides an implementation for a class for designing experiments to sample the parameter space of a complex model using random Monte Carlo sampling. The parameter space can be specified in a variety of ways, but essentially the user must provide a Probability Point Function (PPF, or inverse of the Cumulative Distribution Function) for each input parameter. Each PPF function takes a single numeric input and maps from the interval \([0,1]\) to the desired parameter distribution value for a given parameter, and each parameter has a separate function describing its distribution. Note that this makes the assumption of no correlations between any of the parameter values (a future version may implement an experimental design where there are such parameter correlations). Once the design is initialized, a desired number of samples can be drawn from the design, returning an array holding the desired number of samples from the parameter space.

Internally, the class holds the set of PPFs for all of the parameter values, and samples are drawn by calling the sample method. To draw the samples, the _draw_samples is used to generate a series of points in the \([0,1]^n\) hypercube using random Monte Carlo sampling, where \(n\) is the number of paramters. This set of samples from the hypercube is then mapped to the parameter space using the given PPF functions.

This design does not attempt to uniformly sample the space, but rather just makes random draws from the parameter distributions. For this reason, small designs using this method may not sample the parameter space very efficiently. However, generating a large number of samples using this protocol can be done very efficiently, as drawing a sample only requires generating a series of pseduorandom numbers.


Create a new instance of a Monte Carlo experimental design

Creates a new instance of a Monte Carlo design of experiments, which draws samples randomly from the parameter space of a complex model. It can be used to generate data for a Gaussian Process emulator to fit the outputs of the complex model. Because the samples are drawn randomly, small designs may not sample the space very well, but the samples can be drawn quickly as they are entirely random.

The experimental design can be initialized in several ways depending on the arguments provided, ranging from the simplest to the most complicated.

  1. Provide an integer n indicating the number of input parameters. If this is used to create an instance, it is assumed that all parameters are unformly distributed over the \(n\)-dimensional hypercube.
  2. Provide an integer n and a tuple (a, b) of length 2 containing two numeric values (where \(a < b\)). In this case, all parameters are assumed to be uniformly distributed over the interval \([a,b]\).
  3. Provide an integer n and a function that takes a single numeric input in the interval \([0,1]\) and maps it to the parameter space. In this case, all parameters are assumed to follow the provided Probability Point Function.
  4. Provide a list of tuples of length 2 containing numeric values (as above, the first number must smaller than the second number). The design then assumes that the number of parameters is the length of the list, and each parameter follows a uniform distribution with the bounds given by the respective tuple in the given list.
  5. Provide a list of functions taking a single input (as above, each function must map the interval \([0,1]\) to the parameter space). The number of parameters in the design is the length of the list, and the given PPF functions define the parameter space for each input.

More concretely, if one input parameter is given, you may initilize the class in any of the following ways:

Parameters:n_parameters (int) – Integer specifying the number of parameters (must be positive). The design will sample each parameter over the interval \([0,1]\)


Parameters:bounds_list (list) – List of tuples containing two numeric values, each of which has the smaller number first. Each parameter then takes a uniform distribution with bounds given by each tuple.


Parameters:ppf_list (list) – List of functions or other callable, each of which accepts one argument and maps the interval \([0,1]\) to the parameter space. Each parameter follows the distribution given by the respective PPF function.

and if two input parameters are given:

  • n_parameters (int) – Integer specifying the number of parameters (must be positive). The design will sample each parameter over the interval \([0,1]\)
  • bounds (tuple) – Tuple or other iterable containing two numeric values, where the smaller number must come first. Each parameter then takes a uniform distribution with bounds given by the numbers provided in the tuple.


  • n_parameters (int) – Integer specifying the number of parameters (must be positive). The design will sample each parameter over the interval \([0,1]\)
  • ppf (function) – Function or other callable, which accepts one argument and maps the interval \([0,1]\) to the parameter space. Each parameter follows the distribution given by the PPF function.

The scipy.stats package provides implementations of a wide range of distributions, with pre-defined PPF functions. See the Scipy user manual for more details. Note that in order to get a compatible PPF function that only takes a single input, you will need to set any parameters needed to define the distribution.

Internally, the class defines any PPF functions based on the input data and collects all of the PPF functions in a list. The class also contains information on the method used to draw samples from the design.


Returns the method used to draw samples from the design

This method returns the method used to draw samples from the experimental design. The base class does not implement a method, so if you try to call this on the base class the code will raise a NotImplementedError. When deriving new designs from the base class, the method should be set when calling the __init__ method.

Returns:Method used to draw samples from the design.
Return type:str

Returns number of parameters in the experimental design

This method returns the number of parameters in the experimental design. This is set when initializing the object, an cannot be modified.

Returns:Number of parameters in the experimental design.
Return type:int

Draw parameter samples from the experimental design

This method implements drawing parameter samples from the experimental design. The method does this by calling the _draw_samples method to obtain samples from the \([0,1]^n\) hypercube, where \(n\) is the number of parameters. The sample``method then transforms these samples drawn from the low level method to the actual parameter values using the PPF functions provided when initilizing the object. Note that this method also checks that all parameter values are finite; if any ``NaN values are returned, an error will be raised.

Note that by implementing the sampling in this way, modifications to the method to draw samples using a different protocol only needs to change the _draw_samples method. This makes it simpler to define new designs, as only a single method needs to be altered.

Parameters:n_samples (int) – Number of samples to be drawn from the design (must be a positive integer)
Returns:Samples drawn from the design parameter space as a numpy array with shape (n_samples, n_parameters)
Return type:ndarray

The LatinHypercubeDesign Class

Class representing a one-shot design of experiments with uncorrelated parameters using Latin Hypercube Sampling

This class provides an implementation for a class for designing experiments to sample the parameter space of a complex model using Latin Hypercube sampling. The parameter space can be specified in a variety of ways, but essentially the user must provide a Probability Point Function (PPF, or inverse of the Cumulative Distribution Function) for each input parameter. Each PPF function takes a single numeric input and maps from the interval \([0,1]\) to the desired parameter distribution value for a given parameter, and each parameter has a separate function describing its distribution. Note that this makes the assumption of no correlations between any of the parameter values (a future version may implement an experimental design where there are such parameter correlations). Once the design is initialized, a desired number of samples can be drawn from the design, returning an array holding the desired number of samples from the parameter space.

Internally, the class holds the set of PPFs for all of the parameter values, and samples are drawn by calling the sample method. To draw the samples, the _draw_samples is used to generate a series of points in the \([0,1]^n\) hypercube using Latin Hypercube sampling, where \(n\) is the number of paramters. This set of samples from the Latin Hypercube is then mapped to the parameter space using the given PPF functions.

Unlike Monte Carlo sampling, Latin Hypercube designs attempt to sample more uniformly from the parameter space. Latin Hypercube sampling ensures that each sample is drawn from a different part of the space for each parameter. For example, if four samples are drawn, then for each parameter, one sample is guaranteed to be drawn from each quartile of the distribution. This ensures a more uniform sampling when compared on Monte Carlo sampling, but requires slightly more computation to generate the samples. Note however, that for very large numbers of parameters, Latin Hypercubes still may not sample very efficiently. This is due to the fact that the size of the parameter space grows exponentially with the number of dimensions, so a fixed number of samples will sample the space more poorly as the number of parameters increases.

class mogp_emulator.ExperimentalDesign.LatinHypercubeDesign(*args)

Class representing a one-shot design of experiments with uncorrelated parameters using Latin Hypercube Sampling

This class provides an implementation for a class for designing experiments to sample the parameter space of a complex model using Latin Hypercube sampling. The parameter space can be specified in a variety of ways, but essentially the user must provide a Probability Point Function (PPF, or inverse of the Cumulative Distribution Function) for each input parameter. Each PPF function takes a single numeric input and maps from the interval \([0,1]\) to the desired parameter distribution value for a given parameter, and each parameter has a separate function describing its distribution. Note that this makes the assumption of no correlations between any of the parameter values (a future version may implement an experimental design where there are such parameter correlations). Once the design is initialized, a desired number of samples can be drawn from the design, returning an array holding the desired number of samples from the parameter space.

Internally, the class holds the set of PPFs for all of the parameter values, and samples are drawn by calling the sample method. To draw the samples, the _draw_samples is used to generate a series of points in the \([0,1]^n\) hypercube using Latin Hypercube sampling, where \(n\) is the number of paramters. This set of samples from the Latin Hypercube is then mapped to the parameter space using the given PPF functions.

Unlike Monte Carlo sampling, Latin Hypercube designs attempt to sample more uniformly from the parameter space. Latin Hypercube sampling ensures that each sample is drawn from a different part of the space for each parameter. For example, if four samples are drawn, then for each parameter, one sample is guaranteed to be drawn from each quartile of the distribution. This ensures a more uniform sampling when compared on Monte Carlo sampling, but requires slightly more computation to generate the samples. Note however, that for very large numbers of parameters, Latin Hypercubes still may not sample very efficiently. This is due to the fact that the size of the parameter space grows exponentially with the number of dimensions, so a fixed number of samples will sample the space more poorly as the number of parameters increases.


Create a new instance of a Latin Hypercube experimental design

Creates a new instance of a Latin Hypercube design of experiments, which draws samples from the parameter space of a complex model in a more uniform fashion when compared to random Monte Carlo sampling. It can be used to generate data for a Gaussian Process emulator to fit the outputs of the complex model. Because the samples are drawn more uniformly than in Monte Carlo sampling, these designs may perform better in high dimensional parameter spaces.

The experimental design can be initialized in several ways depending on the arguments provided, ranging from the simplest to the most complicated.

  1. Provide an integer n indicating the number of input parameters. If this is used to create an instance, it is assumed that all parameters are unformly distributed over the \(n\)-dimensional hypercube.
  2. Provide an integer n and a tuple (a, b) of length 2 containing two numeric values (where \(a < b\)). In this case, all parameters are assumed to be uniformly distributed over the interval \([a,b]\).
  3. Provide an integer n and a function that takes a single numeric input in the interval \([0,1]\) and maps it to the parameter space. In this case, all parameters are assumed to follow the provided Probability Point Function.
  4. Provide a list of tuples of length 2 containing numeric values (as above, the first number must smaller than the second number). The design then assumes that the number of parameters is the length of the list, and each parameter follows a uniform distribution with the bounds given by the respective tuple in the given list.
  5. Provide a list of functions taking a single input (as above, each function must map the interval \([0,1]\) to the parameter space). The number of parameters in the design is the length of the list, and the given PPF functions define the parameter space for each input.

More concretely, if one input parameter is given, you may initilize the class in any of the following ways:

Parameters:n_parameters (int) – Integer specifying the number of parameters (must be positive). The design will sample each parameter over the interval \([0,1]\)


Parameters:bounds_list (list) – List of tuples containing two numeric values, each of which has the smaller number first. Each parameter then takes a uniform distribution with bounds given by each tuple.


Parameters:ppf_list (list) – List of functions or other callable, each of which accepts one argument and maps the interval \([0,1]\) to the parameter space. Each parameter follows the distribution given by the respective PPF function.

and if two input parameters are given:

  • n_parameters (int) – Integer specifying the number of parameters (must be positive). The design will sample each parameter over the interval \([0,1]\)
  • bounds (tuple) – Tuple or other iterable containing two numeric values, where the smaller number must come first. Each parameter then takes a uniform distribution with bounds given by the numbers provided in the tuple.


  • n_parameters (int) – Integer specifying the number of parameters (must be positive). The design will sample each parameter over the interval \([0,1]\)
  • ppf (function) – Function or other callable, which accepts one argument and maps the interval \([0,1]\) to the parameter space. Each parameter follows the distribution given by the PPF function.

The scipy.stats package provides implementations of a wide range of distributions, with pre-defined PPF functions. See the Scipy user manual for more details. Note that in order to get a compatible PPF function that only takes a single input, you will need to set any parameters needed to define the distribution.

Internally, the class defines any PPF functions based on the input data and collects all of the PPF functions in a list. The class also contains information on the method used to draw samples from the design.


Returns the method used to draw samples from the design

This method returns the method used to draw samples from the experimental design. The base class does not implement a method, so if you try to call this on the base class the code will raise a NotImplementedError. When deriving new designs from the base class, the method should be set when calling the __init__ method.

Returns:Method used to draw samples from the design.
Return type:str

Returns number of parameters in the experimental design

This method returns the number of parameters in the experimental design. This is set when initializing the object, an cannot be modified.

Returns:Number of parameters in the experimental design.
Return type:int

Draw parameter samples from the experimental design

This method implements drawing parameter samples from the experimental design. The method does this by calling the _draw_samples method to obtain samples from the \([0,1]^n\) hypercube, where \(n\) is the number of parameters. The sample``method then transforms these samples drawn from the low level method to the actual parameter values using the PPF functions provided when initilizing the object. Note that this method also checks that all parameter values are finite; if any ``NaN values are returned, an error will be raised.

Note that by implementing the sampling in this way, modifications to the method to draw samples using a different protocol only needs to change the _draw_samples method. This makes it simpler to define new designs, as only a single method needs to be altered.

Parameters:n_samples (int) – Number of samples to be drawn from the design (must be a positive integer)
Returns:Samples drawn from the design parameter space as a numpy array with shape (n_samples, n_parameters)
Return type:ndarray