Gaussian Process Demo (Python)ΒΆ

This demo illustrates some various examples of fitting a GP emulator to results of the projectile problem discussed in the Tutorial. It shows a few different ways of estimating the hyperparameters. The first two use Maximum Likelihood Estimation with two different kernels (leading to similar performance), while the third uses a linear mean function and places prior distributions on the hyperparameter values. The MAP estimation technique generally leads to significantly better performance for this problem, illustrating the benefit of setting priors.

import numpy as np
import mogp_emulator
from projectile import simulator, print_results

# additional GP examples using the projectile demo

# define some common variables

n_samples = 20
n_preds = 10

# Experimental design -- requires a list of parameter bounds if you would like to use
# uniform distributions. If you want to use different distributions, you
# can use any of the standard distributions available in scipy to create
# the appropriate ppf function (the inverse of the cumulative distribution).
# Internally, the code creates the design on the unit hypercube and then uses
# the distribution to map from [0,1] to the real parameter space.

ed = mogp_emulator.LatinHypercubeDesign([(-5., 1.), (0., 1000.)])

# sample space

inputs = ed.sample(n_samples)

# run simulation

targets = np.array([simulator(p) for p in inputs])


# First example -- fit GP using MLE and Squared Exponential Kernel and predict

print("Example 1: Basic GP")

# create GP and then fit using MLE

gp = mogp_emulator.GaussianProcess(inputs, targets)

gp = mogp_emulator.fit_GP_MAP(gp)

# create 20 target points to predict

predict_points = ed.sample(n_preds)

means, variances, derivs = gp.predict(predict_points)

print_results(predict_points, means)


# Second Example: How to change the kernel, use a fixed nugget, and create directly using fitting function

print("Example 2: Matern Kernel")

# you can simply pass the args to GP to the fitting function

gp_matern = mogp_emulator.fit_GP_MAP(inputs, targets, kernel='Matern52', nugget=1.e-8)

# return type from predict method is an object with mean, unc, etc defined as attributes

pred_res = gp_matern.predict(predict_points)

print_results(predict_points, pred_res.mean)


# Third Example: Specify a mean function and set priors to Fit Hyperparameters via MAP

print("Example 3: Mean Function and MAP fitting")

# This example uses a linear mean function and sets priors on the hyperparameters

# Linear mean has 3 hyperparameters (intercept and 2 slopes, one for each input)
# Kernel has 3 hyperparameters (2 correlation lengths, 1 covariance scale)
# Nugget is the final hyperparameter (7 in total)

# Use a normal prior on all mean function values (requires mean, std)
# Use a normal prior on correlation lengths (which are on a log scale, so becomes a lognormal
# distribution once raw values on log scale are converted to linear scale)
# Inverse Gamma distribution on covariance (favors large values)
# Gamma distribution on nugget (favors negative values)

priors = [mogp_emulator.Priors.NormalPrior(0., 10),
          mogp_emulator.Priors.NormalPrior(0., 10.),
          mogp_emulator.Priors.NormalPrior(0., 10.),
          mogp_emulator.Priors.NormalPrior(0., 1.),
          mogp_emulator.Priors.NormalPrior(-10., 1.),
          mogp_emulator.Priors.InvGammaPrior(1., 1.),
          mogp_emulator.Priors.GammaPrior(1., 1.)]

# create GP, passing list of priors and a string representing the mean function
# tell it to estimate the nugget as well

gp_map = mogp_emulator.GaussianProcess(inputs, targets, mean="x[0]+x[1]", priors=priors, nugget="fit")

# fit hyperparameters

gp_map = mogp_emulator.fit_GP_MAP(gp_map)

# gp can be called directly if only the means are desired

pred_means = gp_map(predict_points)

print_results(predict_points, pred_means)